Cedric of Blackhold

Ser Cedric of Blackhold, known as The Black General, is the founder of House Blackhold of Blackhold. He served as the master-at-arms at Alumyth for King Arthur I Ottez. He was later made a commander in the Majiki military and given direct control over training the entire military. He was later given his own holding to train soldiers for House Ottez. He was married to Jeyne Holyn, and they had four children.  

Appearance and Character

  Cedric had long black hair and a bushy beard. He was tall and heavily muscled.   Cedric was a stern and harsh teacher. He had a loud commanding voice that terrified anyone that heard it. He was known as a humble lord who, while unforgiving to those that broke his law, cared for his people.  


  Cedric arrived in Majik as an exile. He claimed to have been knighted by his father, Beric Waters, while he was on his deathbed. He went into the service of House Ottez of Majik. He quickly rose through the ranks of Majiki military. He married Jeyne Holland.   Kign Arthur Ottez of Majik saw Cedric's skill and awarded him a stout keep for him to continue training soldiers for the crown.
The Black General
Ser (Disputed)
Lord of Blackhold


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