Jorah of Blackhold

Lord Jorah of Blackhold is the father of Draven of Blackhold.  

Appearance and Character

  Jorah was smaller and skinnier than his siblings. He had dark brown hair and a patchy beard. He never wore clothing fit for a lord, he would be constantly found in his old chainmail and black surcoat. He was not strong enough to wear the blackhelm. He wore a simple steel greathelm and wielded an iron sword.   Jorah was self admittedly not fit to be a lord. He was a soldier, and only a solider. He could barely read, and did not understand the inner workings of court politics. Still, he is remembered as a kindhearted and compassionate lord by his people. He occasionally took mistresses. He reinstalled the traditions of House Blackhold which were passed down to his son, Draven. He loved his family dearly, and would do anything for them.  



Early Life

  Jorah was the thirdborn son of Lord Lothar of Blackhold. He was sent to Alumyth, and when the Academy saw that he was useless at reading, they sent him to Tanner Horpe to train as a soldier. He enjoyed his time at the city, and enjoyed serving as a soldier in the military.  

Lord of Blackhold

  When his father and eldest brother died against the Pirate Lord Marq Majik, he returned home to see to his other brother, Osmund, becoming lord of Blackhold. On the night of his ascendancy he was poisoned by Micah Moore. The assassin attempted to flee on horseback, Jorah chased after him. Micah was caught by Jorah halfway to Godspool. Jorah dragged Micah off his horse and attempted to drown him in the Goodwater. Something stopped him, Jorah claims a voice spoke to him, and instead of killing his brother's murderer, he tied him up and rode to Godspool now with twenty men. He dropped Micah at the gates of Godspool, stating that Micah had just murdered his brother and that he has returned him here so that the Lord Moore would enact his own justice. When the Lord Moore came out and spoke to Jorah. Jorah said "I thought about drowning your brother, for what he did to mine. Truth is, I tried to. But I am tired from witnessing these pointless deaths of our families. I hope you did not send him, and I hope I don't wake up next morning with a cut throat. I am calling an end to our families feud. I don't want my sons growing up fearing and hating their neighbours. So take him, and do what you want with him. Punish him, set him free, whatever you wish. But let there be peace." The Lord Moore was impressed. Micah Moore was sent to the capital of Alumyth, where he was executed on the orders of Quellion II. From there on, the feud between Moore and Blackhold had begun to come to an end.   Lord Jorah wished for his children to have a higher education than him. He sent his two sons, Elys and Draven to Alumyth to learn at the Royal Academy. The Academy did little to compensate for Draven's blindness, and three years later Draven begged to come back home. Elys stayed at Alumyth where he studied history and squired under Tanner Horpe. Draven, learned at home. Jorah hired Ældars, warriors, mages, and bladesingers to help Draven overcome his disability, as Draven desperately wanted to become a knight. Jorah's tutorage worked, and Draven became an exceptionally skilled warrior. After a mock duel with Symon Gaolyth, the Iron Knight, he offered to take Draven as his squire.   Jorah would read his first letter in 440 AGW, informing him that Robin Moore had died. He travelled to Godspool to witness the funeral. He spoke to Davos Moore about a possible marriage between Elys and a member of House Moore. Davos said he'd consider the offer. Jorah would start the tradition of the Blackhold Half-Year feasts. Draven would meet Rosha Juden at a Tourney and marry her shortly after. Elys would go on to fall in love with Dalla Darry, Jorah permitted their marriage.   Jorah would go out on a hunting trip late in the year 441 in search for a prized stag that had been spotted in the Redwood. He complained of an upset stomach days into the hunt. Three days later the lord was weak and vomitting. By the time he returned to Blackhold he had to be carried and it was too late for much to be done. Lord Davos Moore heard of this and offered to bring Jorah to the healing waters of Godspool, but by the time he and his clerics rrived to Blackhold, Lord Jorah of Blackhold had died of a burst belly. His sons organized a grand funeral for Jorah. Like the other members of House Blackhold, he was encased in a blackiron coffin and buried within the crypts of Blackhold.
401 AGW 441 AGW 40 years old
Dark brown


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