Symon Gaolyth

Ser Symon Gaolyth, famous known around Majik as The Iron Knight, is the son of Aerentis the Ironhand and Shaelyndra Gaolyth. He fell in love with Elora Brightflower, who some say is a witch or a wood spirt. He has a bastard son, Lyonel Vein. He died during The Majiki Tiefling Uprising He is still regarded as the greatest knight to ever live in Majik.  

Appearance and Character

  Symon had long black hair, pale skin, a long face, and deep purple eyes. His face was serious and unsmiling. He had a dull, quiet voice, that rarely rose in volume or tone. The knight was very tall, broad shouldered, as well as strong and fast. He wore simple iron plate armour and wielded an iron sword. That is all Symon ever wore or carried, iron. His armour was scratched, but not dirty. He constantly looked after his armour and sharpened his sword. It is said that no man could ever defeat Symon in combat, he was a complete master in swordfighting. He won a total of twenty five tournaments. The only person to defeat Symon in joust, (rumoured also in combat) is Caius Vein.   Symon followed the chivalric code exactly. Though at the same time he was relatively dour and cynical. There are thousands of tales about Ser Symon's great deeds, though Symon himself said "Not even half of them are true". The only person who brought Symon joy was his lover, Elora Brightflower. Symon had a unique way of taunting his opponents. Instead of blatanly insulting them, while fighting he would quietly comment on their form, how they are attacking, what they are doing wrong/right. He would teach his opponents while fighting them.


Symon Gaolyth


Towards Elora Brightflower

Elora Brightflower


Towards Symon Gaolyth



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