Walter Juden

Ser Walter Juden is a member of House Juden and the current Master of Birds for the Royal Council of Majik. He is married to Aela Gaolyth, they have had one son Myrin Juden.  

Appearance and Character

  Walter Juden is tall and skinny. He has large ears adorned with various earrings, and his black hair tied into one long braid. He dresses quite fashionably. He is known as a skilled archer and hunter. Walter claims to be the finest bow in Majik.   Walter is arrogant, obnoxious, and conceited. He enjoys the company of bards, poachers, and harlots. He is known to prefer the company of whores to his own wife. He enjoys excessively drinking and often causes a ruckus inside the taverns and brothels inside of Alumyth. Along with his debaucherous reputation, he is known to be quite brainless. Most of his work as Master of Birds is actually done by his wife and son, something Walter does not seem to mind.


Walter Juden

spouse (Trivial)

Towards Aela Gaolyth



Aela Gaolyth

spouse (Trivial)

Towards Walter Juden



Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
299 AGW 182 Years old
Aela Gaolyth (spouse)


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