Myrin Juden

Myrin Juden, known as Birdeye or Birdfeed, is the only child of Walter Juden and Aela Gaolyth.  

Appearance and Character

  Myrin is much shorter than his father, Walter. He takes after his mother, having pale skin and black hair. His eyes are a pale yellowish green. Myrin has scars marking the left side of his face which he recieved as a child during the Day of Red Stone of the Three Days War.   He has a loyal hawk as a companion named Tarot, which he uses as his familiar and can use it's eyes as his own. For his talents he is known to some as Myrin Birdeye. He has a similar reputation to his mother, as a sorcerer and is said to be one of her spies.   Like his mother and grandfather, Myrin is quite sullen and humourless. He spends most of his time up in the Royal Aviary, seemingly preferring the company of birds to people. Because of this, and his other name, Myrin's father has taken to calling him 'Birdfeed'.
Myrin Birdeye


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