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A hardy nation of mountain-dwelling folk, the Judiciary of Ilith is a nation located throughout the northeast of Alteria. While the nation welcomes members of any race, many surface-dwelling people find life in the underground strongholds difficult to adjust to. In particular, the nation's close association with the Underdark (and frequent raids by the denizens therein) turn many a would-be settler from choosing to dwell within an Ilithian stronghold.

The warforged are native to the capital hold of Dol Darun, having been created by Ilithian Artificers to serve the small nation as a renewable workforce. In the centuries since, the warforged and their allies have successfully lobbied to legally consider them citizens, and thereby grant them all rights endowed to citizenry. In the modern era, many Ilithians consider their history with the warforged to be a shameful one, and there are significant limitations on how many new warforged can be created and under what circumstance.


Citizens of high standing can be elevated to the position of Judicator (i.e., judge) and entrusted with the leadership of a stronghold. The process of becoming a Judicator is a complex social phenomenon steeped in tradition and reputation, but generally, a Judicator is a land-owning Dwarf with an ironclad reputation among his peers. Judicators are often accomplished warriors or craftspeople. Once chosen by a majority public vote, a Judicator is free to create a government from the citizens under their direction and lead their flock in any direction they see fit.

While every Judicator has a different style, most follow the example of High Judicator Bogdan Barrelback and delegate the day-to-day running of their hold to a selection of trusted advisors. These advisors can have dominion over a wide variety of governmental tasks - from defense, to infrastructure, to the treasury, to diplomacy.

While extremely rare, a Judicator can be removed from their position by an overwhelming Vote of No Confidence.


Ilithian culture is dwarven culture. It tends to be welcoming, conservative, and assertive. Honesty is held in high regard, though a strong survivalist bent runs through many an Ilithian. As such, the punishment for dishonest behavior can be lessened or even forgiven if it's argued that a greater good was being served, such as the continued well-being of the stronghold.

Reputation among one's peers is valued as high as any currency, and is sometimes used in a similar way. Public denouncements or praise given by a person of high standing are taken very seriously.

Given the overwhelming national shame over their former treatment of warforged, many Ilithians follow an anti-slavery ideology. This stance can sometimes be especially potent, even fanatical, given that it is remarkably difficult to shame an Ilithian.

Despite a culture that is overall welcoming and accepting, Ilithians are often thought of as rude. This is a unique inversion, which is worn with pride; to an Ilithian, the most absurdly rude thing you can do is tell a lie, no matter how small. Saying anything other than the plain truth, regardless of its content, is viewed as lying and therefore a cause of great offense.


Ilithian historians hold a master written record kept in Dol Darun that outlines, in great detail, the history of their civilization.

Beginning in the year 260, the now-abandoned city of Sturmgard had levied every person capable of lifting a weapon and sent them on a quest to slay Nemesis, a young dragon that had been terrorizing the city from a nearby mountain. Led by the great hero Oakenoath, the levy suffered heavy losses but were so inspired by the hero's bravery that they refused to stop pressing forward. Eventually, Oakenoath and the survivors managed to drive Nemesis from the mountain.

The dragon had made his lair on the mountain in what is now the city of Dol Darun. The survivors found that many buildings from a forgotten age stood tall and sturdy in the caverns below. The dragon's talons had shredded ancient tablets found within the city, leaving only a single scrap of obsidian with the word "Ilith" remaining legible. Despite its tarnished history, the prospect of a vast, treasure-laden, easily-defended home, especially given the cost they had paid for it in souls, led the survivors to retrieve their families from Sturmgard and never returned.

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