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Razorbacks are a loose confederation of warbands that subsist on warfare and raiding. Consisting primarily of Orcs and Goblins, and occasionally giants, the Razorbacks are the bane of backwater villages and poorly-defended caravans.


Power is respected above all else. While brute strength is plenty to achieve a position of authority, many high-ranking Razorbacks are known for their cunning or ruthlessness.

  While individual bands may have different hierarchies, the only semi-official title is Warboss. A Warboss may lead one band, many bands, or in rare cases, no bands - but only the most deadly Razorback can be a Warboss without a band behind them.


Loyalty and determination are the most respected traits in Razorback society, although they are interpreted a number of ways. Wit and pragmatism are also held in high regard; for this reason, many Razorback bands make a decent living by simply threatening and bullying their way into receiving tribute from nearby settlements.

Along the same lines, Razorbacks can be broadly split into two distinct subcultures. The more prevalent ideology is mercenary in nature. A majority of Razorback bands only engage in raiding if they're unable to find anyone to hire them, or unable to otherwise extort and steal enough to support themselves. These bands can be comparably reasonable, as they'll stop attacking the moment they're bribed off, or as soon as they've gotten what they need. Furthermore, while always unpredictable, these Razorbacks are less likely to bite the hand that feeds them, as their primary goal is simply being fed.

When a band is taken over by a particularly ambitious or bloodthirsty warboss, however, Razorbacks are capable of becoming extraordinarily aggressive. These tribes tend to be shorter lived, as they are actively countered by Aurelia, and to a lesser extent, Ilith. In a very brief time, however, such a band can cut a wide, burnt swath across the countryside, sacking towns and moving on too quickly for a serious defense to be mustered. Once met in the field by sufficiently prepared Pilgrims or Legionaries, they are almost always outmaneuvered and overpowered, although these running battles can extend for days and cost many lives. 


The Razorbacks have no official written records, preferring an oral tradition. Razorback tradition holds that their deity, Gutbusta, was once a mortal goblin, who achieved godhood "by bein' da toughest and da gruffest / da biggest and da smartest / da nastiest git evah" and so on.
  Razorbacks have long been raiders and warriors, and skirmish with almost every group that isn't their own (sometimes even other Razorback bands). Their notable achievements include the sacking of the city of Limbo.

Smash 'em and take dere stuff!

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Government System


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