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Hafir, Kin-Killer (\hä-'fir\)

"Butcher of Families, Breaker of Minds."


Hafir, the Kin-Killer, was the first Ancient encountered by Castor Valensra and subsequently the first Ancient he ever slayed.   Known as the Bane of Salvage, this Ancient enjoyed hunting families, taking a perverse pleasure in leaving one member alive.  


Hafir's Ancient name means Power/Strength/Dominance in Morilanic. He chose this name to match how he perceives himself— the epitome of strength.  


At a staggering height of 12 feet, Hafir's muscular build and massive antler-like horns set him apart even among the Ancients. His charcoal skin and glowing red eyes serve to intimidate and terrorize his favorite prey, human families.  


But it isn't just Hafir's appearance that invokes fear; his abilities are equally terrifying. This Ancient's extraordinary physical strength is complemented by a unique, keen sense of smell, one which allows him track the kin of those he has wounded with a supernatural precision.   During his hunts, Hafir would ensure that the victim chosen to survive the encounters with him watched as he butchered their kin before them. Then, using his limited magical abilities, he would break their minds, forcing them to relive the trauma, leaving them only to remember him by his unforgettable murderous red eyes.  


As a human, Hafir was a skilled warrior, one who earned various titles in the Andron Combat Games. But Hafir enjoyed the games more than most, to a savage degree. It was the only outlet for his bloodlust, and he enjoyed seeing the expressions of the defeated.   Contact with the Ancient Elixir caused Hafir to nearly double in size, enhancing his senses and further augmenting his formidable physical capabilities. Hafir's aggression intensified, and he gained a ruthless predatory instinct and fascination with inducing despair. This fascination led to his hobby of tormenting the weak, particularly human families.  

Reign of Terror

Hafir's notoriety largely stems from his cruel and terrorizing exploits. During the Age of Magic, he was known for leaving a sole survivor in his wake— a twisted signature that has sown seeds of horror across various lands.   One such example is the town of Salvage, where his brutal actions inadvertently led to the formation of the Children of Castor.  

The Fall of a Titan

Despite his terrifying prowess, Hafir met his end at the hands of Castor, a significant event that shifted the balance of power between Ancients and humans, showing the Ancients that even one of their mightiest wasn't invulnerable.  

The Specter of the Scepter

Many years down the line, Hafir's right arm would be repurposed. Combined with Castor's Eye, the new item was dubbed the Scepter of Power.   But Hafir's soul, though passed into Shi'Krah, would remain able to influence the Scepter, and manifested in the nightmares of its wielder.  


Hafir's actions led to the tellings of many cautionary tales, as well as serving to boost the fame of Castor Valensra, whose own name would be told in tales as a guardian and savior.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Kin-Killer
  • Bane of Salvage
  • The Shadow Horned Giant
  • Specter of the Scepter
Red, predatory
12' or 3.67m
2,500 lb or 1,134 kg
"Be good, and Castor will watch over you, but stray from kindness, and the Shadow Horned Giant will know.   He listens to the winds, waits in the shadows, and smells your truths.   Remember, the Shadow Horned Giant is always watching."


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Jan 10, 2024 02:57

I find it really interesting that Hafir is so predatory and aggressive, yet his transformation gave him deer-like features... the juxtaposition is really interesting. Horrible guy, but interesting nonetheless. Really great article! <3

Jan 10, 2024 13:31 by Chase

Yes, he's an awful person, but he serves as a wonderful antagonist of Castor's first arc. I'm glad you liked the article!