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Morvrom, Warden of the Withered

The Seeker of Souls


Morvrom, known as the Warden of the Withered, is an Ancient infamous for his mastery of Soul Magic and his regular haunting of The Door at the End of the World. Living in the desolate Soulswake Wastes, Morvrom captures the souls of the recently departed, experimenting and practicing forbidden magic upon them.  


Morvrom's name comes from the Morilanic word meaning "The Cycle of Life and Death". He chose this name as he was always fascinated by the cycle, and wished to uncover its secrets.  


Morvrom is often seen as the manifestation of death and decay, and is worshiped as such in the Vol'Kar culture. His skin is ashen and desiccated, his eyes an empty black void, and his skeletal hands are suited for the delicate arts he studies. He wears tattered robes adorned with occult symbols.  


Originally a scholar with a deep fascination for the cycle of life, Morvrom's transformation was triggered during an exploration in the Soulswake Wastes. He was surrounded by a maelstrom of mystical energy, infused with Ancient Elixir, forever altering him. His scholarly pursuits twisted into an obsession with the secrets of death, and his body changed to reflect that, exuding an aura of macabre elegance.  


Morvrom's powers are deeply rooted in Soul Magic. He can trap and manipulate souls, reanimate corpses of the dead, and communicate with spirits. It is theorized by some that know of his existence that he is the origin of the Arisen.   His proximity to the Door at the End of the World, and thereby Shi'Krah, endows him with unique insights into the workings of the ethereal realm.  

The Soul Choke

Morvrom wields a powerful artifact known as the Soul Choke, a scepter that enables him to capture life essence from the Soulstream. This tool enables his research, and is key to his control over the gateway to the land of the dead.   Morvrom believes that his creation of this relic is the first step to unlocking the Door, and becoming the master of the cycle of life and death.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Warden of the Withered
  • Death's Whisperer
  • Sentinel of the Soulswake
  • Keeper of the Soul Choke
Current Residence
Black, empty
7'7 or 2.31m
220 lbs or 99.8 kg


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