Aarakocra Species in Teranuz | World Anvil
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The Aarakocra were a race of avian humanoids thought to have once existed in great numbers across Teranuz. While functionally extinct in the Modern Era, it is believed that the Aarakocra are survived by their descendents, the Kenku of the Keshari region of Crestfall, and the Strygian race found on the island of Mynerva in the Enkidu Archipelago.   The name aarakocra is an Auran word originating from Kenku culture, roughly translating to mean "sky-born".  


What little information can be gleaned from the aarakocra stems primarily from a combination of fossil records and oral and written traditions maintained by the races believed to be descended from them; as such, this knowledge is sporadic at best, and there is still much that remainds a mystery to modern scholars.   What is known of the Aarakocra is that they appear to have been humanoid in terms of size and body plan, with most recovered fossil specimens indicating an average height of 5 feet for adults of either sex. In addition to possessing a pair of arms and legs, the Aarakocra are believed to have also possessed a third set of limbs in the form of wings capable of granting flight; this is further supported by the Aarakocra's hollow bones, which would have reduced their weight and assisted in keeping the Aarakocra airborne.   Kenku artwork depicts the Aarakocra with highly diverse physical characteristics, with plumage, beak shape, and other traits possessing a wide variety of variation depending on habitat and lineage.  

Traits and Abilities

In addition to being capable of flight, Aarakocra are known to have possessed sharp talons which could presumably be weaponized for offense as well as self-defense.   According to research conducted by the Strygian researchers of Mynerva, the Aarakocra are also believed to have some limited form of magic which allowed them to manipulate the winds on which they flew. Because the Aarakocra are believed to have gone extinct long before arcane magic was introduced to Teranuz, the exact source of this alleged power is currently unknown; one leading theory is that the Aarakocra's wind-manipulation abilities may be divine in nature, not unlike the druidic magic utilized by the Gnome population of Lubec.

Civilization and Culture


The Aarakocra are believed to have existed in great numbers during the Age of Giants, the earliest known period of Teranuz's prehistory; what relationship these birdfolk would have had with the titular giants of the era is open to speculation, but what scraps of historical evidence exists would suggest the two races were most likely amiable.   What led to the decline of the Aarakocra is unknown; the mythology of the Kenku states that the Aarakocra were struck down by the gods for some act of past hubris, their wingless descendants becoming the Kenku of the Modern Era. This would, of course, be seemingly contradicted by the existence of the Strygians, who also claim to be descended from the Aarakocra and have retained the ability to fly. It is possible that these contradictions allude to the point in which thye Aarakocra race was split into two distinct bloodlines; the winged Strygians of the Enkidu Archipelago and the flightless Kenku of Crestfall.   Because of the geographical distance between the two races, as well as the Kenku's isolationist culture in general, an opportunity has yet to arise for the Kenku and Strygians to meet and "compare notes" so to speak, in order to fill in the gaps in each other's traditions cultural memories. Should such a meeting be facilitated, it is possible that even more definitive information regarding the Aarakocra could become illuminated.  


Despite their apparent extinction, the possibility for an Aarakocra to exist in the Modern Era is not an impossibility.   According to Kenku legends, there is a chance for one Kenku in every ten generations to be born with fully functional wings, effectively making them an Aarakocra in all but name. Whether or not there is any credence to this legend is unknown, however, as the Kenku's isolated disposition means that any cases of winged Kenku would go unreported to the world at large.
Genetic Descendants
Average Height
5 feet
Average Weight
Est. 80-100 lbs.


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