Kenku Species in Teranuz | World Anvil
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Kenku are a race of humanoid creatures native to the Keshari region of Crestfall. While more populous throughout the continent in the past, centuries of conflict with the other Races of Crestfall has caused the Kenku to develop an isolationist lifestyle; in the Modern Era, kenku mainly reside in remote tribal villages within Keshari's mist-shrouded mountains and forests.  


Kenku are humanoid, flightless birds, typically standing slightly shorter than the average Human; the exact appearance of a kenku beyond this general description can vary wildly on an individual basis. Typically, each of the Kenku Subraces that make up the nine kenku tribes are recognizable due to the physical characteristics they share with the species of bird that serves as their tribe's namesake: for example, kenku of the raven tribe exhibit corvid-like characteristics such as long beaks and dark plumage, while members of the Peacock Tribe may exhibit bright plumage and large, fan-like tails.  


According to their own recorded history and oral traditions, the flightless kenku are the descendants of a race of winged, avian humanoids, known in the Auran language as the Aarakocra. What caused these avian ancestors to lose their gift of flight is uncertain, although many kenku consider it to be the result of a punishment from the gods for some past sin. Legend states that once every ten generations, there is a chance that a kenku may be born with the aaracockra's gift of flight; legends surrounding such individuals feature heavily within kenku mythology and folklore.   During the early Pre-Vancian Era, the kenku were widespread across the continent that would later be known as Crestfall. This widespread population would not last, however, as the kenku in this era found themselves hunted by early humans, believing that the kenku's bones held potent medicinal properties.   Hunted to near extinction, the kenku retreated to the Northern region of Keshari, hiding themselves away from the rest of the continent. As a result of their past persecution, the kenku have adopted a highly xenophobic and isolationist outlook, to such an extent that even kenku from other tribes seldom interact unless absolutely necessary. As with any culture, however, there are exceptions to every rule, as many young kenku have been known to forego the isolationist nature of their tribes to explore the world outside of their village borders. Kenku that enter this self-imposed exile are often regarded as followers of the Heresy of Kraugh, named for one of the first kenku to embark on such a blasphemous pilgrimage.  

Traits and Abilities

The kenkus' time in relative isolation has given them the time to develop a number of skills and traditions: each of the nine kenku tribes is associated with a specific school of martial artistry, developed by the tribe's earliest ancestors and honed over countless generations of practice. While some kenku monks may adopt the fighting styles of tribes outside their own, this is considered a rare occurrence due to the fact that the kenku consider teaching their signature techniques to those outside of their tribe to be taboo, even to other kenku.   Additionally, many kenku are said to be skilled mimics, able to replicate most sounds and even other voices with startling accuracy. It is possible that this ability may be a vestigial trait originally adapted to confuse and disorient potential predators.  

Society and Culture

In addition to their self-imposed seclusion from the outside world, kenku are generally disdainful and distrusting of arcane magic, believing such magic to be the work of dark spirits that feed off the energy of the world like a parasite. Divine magic is generally more tolerated, with divine spellcasters such as druids and clerics holding a place in the societies of all nine kenku tribes. Kenku religion dictates thet the influence of their gods can be perceived in the form of natural phenomena, believing the world to be made up of a natural flow of energies which shapes and empowers all life on Teranuz.  

Notable Kenku


Player Characters

  • Brother Kraugh, a monk of the Raven Tribe and member of Team Dustbowl. Kraugh's actions would later go on to inspire the religious movement known as the Heresy of Kraugh.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
60 years
Average Height
5 feet
Average Weight
90-120 lbs.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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