Baed Character in Teravar | World Anvil
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The Goddess of Fertility (a.k.a. The Provider, Mother to us All, Cow Mommy, Moooooooo)

As the Goddess of Fertility, Agriculture and Child Rearing, Baed is unsurprisingly considered to have birthed civilization...both figuratively and literally! With the head of a cow and the body of a woman, often with child, Baed is somewhat different looking from most of the rest of her counterparts.Still, she sees the elves and by extension anyone who follows her as her children. This is seen in the fact she's one of the more talkative gods of the pantheon, as most of her followers will end up having one, perhaps two short conversations with her over the course of their lives. While those praying for romance would seek out Il'rinu, those praying for a wife and family had best seek out Baed. It does seem like a child borne of two Baed followers are just a LITTLE stronger than their peers on average.

Tenets of Faith

Autosacrifice: This word comes up quite often for Baed worship and for good reason. Blood is divine to the followers of Baed. It should regularly be spilled, but only in moderation and willingly. This stems after several centuries of followers trying to beat others in devotion by inflicting pain on themselves in unique and terrible ways. Baed herself had to step in and order her temples to reduce the need of spilling blood to a far more...orderly manner. Not all followers engage in the practice, but if one is willing to "water the earth" for her, they can take a thorny vine and run it over the palm of their hand. Any blood is to be dripped on to consecrated ground for it to nurture the earth. Typically, farmers are the most common practicioners of this method.   Procreation: She's a fertility goddess! Of course procreation is on the list! Baed's priestesses often have at least one child in the order, with some having many, MANY more. Having a child isn't enough, as child rearing is very important to the cow goddess. Many schools, daycares and orphanages are funded by a church in order to raise the best possible future generation. Still, having a child is indeed a major portion of the faith. And if there are stories to be believed by adventurers returning home as single fathers, Baed herself visited them on the journey and bore them a son or daughter. While most take these tales as fiction, the church does like to keep an eye on these youngsters as they come of age to see what they become.



Sister (Vital)

Towards Halshef




Brother (Vital)

Towards Baed



Divine Classification
Current Status
In disbelief at her follower's actions
Halshef (Brother)
Long, Sleek, Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Uniform Brown Fur
Slightly taller than the person talking to her
Depends on the season


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