Halshef Character in Teravar | World Anvil
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The High King (a.k.a. The Fallen King, The Dead God, King of the Sky)

The king of the sky and leader of the elvish pantheon, Halshef is seen as the creator and father of the elves. Where the other gods show signs through direct actions, Halshef has always been the god of larger, overarching plans. This is perhaps why his absence was excused for so long. Father of Soat, Halshef ruled with a gentle but firm grip over his fellow gods. He would guide his flock from the beginning eras of time up until the Great Calamity. So much happened in such a short time period that the priests of Halshef simply believed he was still in combat or recovering from his wounds.    It was not until that the first priests of Halshef reached the new world that they learned the truth. Their god had perished on that day, and for some reason the others had kept silent to their own orders on why his flock could not know. Chaos abounded as the largest church in the Old World collapsed and a great debate began over who should be the rightful leader of the gods. Eine's ascension in Halshef's stead was a surprise. So quick was her rise from minor local goddess to head of the pantheon that a decent amount of Halshef priests simply converted to worshipping her. Still, there were some holdouts that felt tradition should be maintained. Those that stayed "loyal" to the dead god would flock to his son Soat, the 'true' leader of the gods. One day they hoped, the empire would see who should rightfully be leading it into a golden age.



Sister (Vital)

Towards Halshef




Brother (Vital)

Towards Baed



Current Status
Circumstances of Death
Duel to the death versus a demon
Baed (Sister)


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