Ryfarazin Settlement in Teravar | World Anvil
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Ryfarazin (Rye-far-ah-zen)

For thousands of years, Ishnor has been inhabited by hundres of different settlements and cities. With such a huge subcontinent spread among a (relatively) small group of citizens, cities have generally been able to do as they pleased with little interference from the Venrir government. While some cities such as Yuethanil are rather progressive and willing to accept other cultures with only mild disdain (amongst high elves they are considered incredibly tolerant) some have gone FAR in the other direction. Ryfarazin is one such case of the latter. Cities that are High Elf only aren't uncommon, but they are this deep into the jungles. Most of them are settled along the coast and plains on the Ithyr peninsula. This deep in to Ishnor's legendary jungle is more than a little surprising! Located on the junction of the Great Argoza river and the Dodbridge River, this city has quite a lot of trade even with communities much smaller than it.


With a handful of permits, almost every single citizen in Ryfarazin is an elf. 85% of that being High Elf. Yes, drow make up a decent minority of the populace but they're a rather small number compared with many nearby cities.


Like many cities, this town is governed by a city council. However instead of the Imperial standard of 10, there are only 5 here. Generally, the elections are won so handily by the Glory Party that more seats seems like a waste of taxpayer money.


Besides the local culture, Ryfarazin's most famous structures are its incredibly tall bridges. Starting well over a hundred feet back on either side of the bank, the five bridges raise to well over a hundred feet off the ground with their bizzare design! This is for a purpose though, as each bridge is owned by a rival company. Due to zoning laws preventing dockyards on the riverfront, boats maneuver perpendicular to the river before magical "barnacles" tied to ropes are fixed to the ship. It is then lifted up into the air with the minimum allowed clearance below the elongated bridge. There, an under-scaffold serves as a loading dock for individual ships and their cargo before harmlessly lowering them back down into the river. This sounds needlessly complex for something that very easily could have been solved with digging canals. Indeed! But zoning laws and refusal to allow a dock where THEIR neighborhood is led to more...elaborate measures being taken.


Rosebridge: Famous for the light red color of the northern bridge, operates as the hub of the town. The limited industrial works are mostly located in its premises as ships are raised, supplies are brought in and minerals are shipped out. Typically, this area is the most prosperous as the largest market in town is located in this region.   Fort Hydeki: The old fort that the city was built around. Still maintains a military governor now relegated to a member of the city council. There is a small military guard stationed inside.   Greybridge: The "Old town" if you will for Ryfarazin. Earliest settlers built the bridge that used to be Navybridge years ago, but the paint has long since worn away to nothingness. Even with the wear, this is where the "monied" people live. Even though economic trade doesn't flow through this part of town anymore, many large and fancy houses still dot the district.   Redkey Ferry: Named after the Redkey, a local ferryboat that travels upriver in either direction in order to supply the needed towns. While not everyone in this district is employed by the ferry company in some capacity, one can make the case they are the largest non-mining employer in the entire city!   High Town: The farmers, shepherds and miners from the nearby areas usually live here. It's the highest hills in the city, hence the name. Typically, this is where you find the absolute poorest of society, though also some of the hardest workers.


Ryfarazin is really only on the map due to the smattering of mines scattered all over the countryside. Any road that doesn't lead to a farming town leads to some large mine gathering expensive materials. Gold, Silver, Moonstone, Copper. Dozens of mines are within less than a week's journey of the region and new prospecting is always an easy way to get rich!
Alternative Name(s)
The White and Gold City, The town of Elvish Gold, That really racist jungle town, Passports-ville
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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