The Wars of the Gods Myth in Terenus | World Anvil
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The Wars of the Gods

On the Creation of Terenus

Once, there was only the vast nothingness of what we call the Void. And in this nothingness, there roamed the most powerful beings imaginable—those who we, nowadays, call gods. However, there are more than the Thirteen we worship today. How many, I hear you ask? Just look up at the night sky, our window into the Void. Every star is the echo of a distant god's home.   As they all roamed the void, twenty of them met and decided to join forces. With their united power, they created existence from nothing. A shard of land formed in the midset of the void. A shard of land that we, today, call our home, Terenus. But at that time it looked nothing like it does today.   Just as quickly as the Twenty were to agree on creating a world, their unity broke apart again. Each of them had their own vision of what to do with it. The Evergreen wanted it to be a dense, overgrown jungle, the Weaver wanted it glistening with magic, and the Tyrant wanted it as a home to slaves who do his bidding.   Over this, the gods fought the fiercest of wars, raging on for centuries and millenniums. Their blows shaped mountains and valleys and from their blood formed the Immortals—beings such as demons, spirits and the fey. To aid in their battles, the gods created men as their soldiers and dragons as their generals.   Sometimes, victory seemed near, but most of the time, new alliances were formed and the war raged on. Historians count three distinct wars, but for now, let's just say eventually those who we now call the Thirteen won over the Seven and banished them.   Shortly after, the Thirteen left as well and left the world for men to rule. The gods had realized they were far too powerful in comparison to the beings they had created. A mere snap of their fingers would crush cities like ants under a boot. If you need proof of that, just look at the Desert Island. It is still burned and devoid of life from the touch of the Radiant.   So instead, they decided to rule from afar and speak to us through the Great Oracle. As their last gift to us, they ordered their dragons to guard men from all the creatures the Seven had let loose on the world during the wars, including their own dragons.   And this is where we are now, thousands of years later in a world ruled by men and watched by our gods. And yet, the Seven still try to return and take Terenus back...
Pater Regmund, Chronicler of Bahrin's Rest in: A Brief Introduction to the Multiverse.
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Author's Notes

This article was created for the "A Tale as Old as Time" Lightning Challenge and therefore is written in English instead of German like the rest of my world.

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Sep 24, 2018 20:25 by Jinx

I actually really enjoyed this. It was short and to the point, but it was educational in regards to the beliefs of the people. I did like that it was written as if it was being told to you. I did find the creation of the geography and the immortals interesting. I'm curious how water might have formed, though. Was it just always there?

Sep 24, 2018 20:44

Thanks for your feedback! For the finishing touches, I've actually read it to myself in my best impression of an old man's voice.   Regarding the water, one of the Thirteen is called the Captain and he's mainly the god of water. So just like the Evergreen created jungles and forest while she had the chance to, the Captain created oceans, rivers and lakes. I didn't want to list the visions for the world of all 20 gods, because that seemed to derail the article a bit.