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Isthramir (Iss-thra-meer)

Written by Arger Growler

The northern most town in Terminus. Built apon a plateau, where three rivers meet to become one, this town borders the ____ mountain range to the North and Thunder Valley to the East. The town is well known for it's freezing climate, with many of the standing water holes reamaining frozen even in summer.   It is local legend that, not long after the town was first settled, a Thunder Calamity - through currently unknown methods - began to encroach on the town. It would have destroyed the town utterly, if not for Saga - "The Hero of Thunder Valley" who fought the Calamity and, in the process, created [Thunder Valley]. See Creation of Thunder Valley for more details.   These factors combined to give Isthramir it's name, which is old Emblaetir meaning "Frozen Thunder."   This is the hometown of Illusia de Lunala Blanca and Vanice Fionn, and the primary setting of their story.


Demographics aren't split in the typical ways in Isthramir. While other demographics, such as wealth, do exist, they are heavily tied to industry and vary depending on which industries are more prominant (typically seen by which ones make up the council) at a given time.   Subsequnetly, demographics are primarily dictated by profession, with people identifying by their profession first and foremost.   Ethnicity is a particularly odd case. As Isthramir took in many refugees from the [North Western] country 50ish years ago and integrated them into the population. While you may expect tensions, this group integrated rather naturally and for the most part this is a topic largely ignored by the residents. This was due to the towns focus on profession based demographics, which allowed the refugee population to find their own niches.


The government is based on a small council with a seperate, theoretically impartial, representative.   Each position on the council is representative of one aspects of Isthramir - for example one seat may be held by the farming community, one by the shop keepers, etc.   At any time, there are 6 total positions. While these may change according to which industry is more prominent, the current ones are:
  1. Impatial Representative
  2. Tradesmen
  3. Ice Trade/Agriculture
  4. Economic
  5. Law Enforcement
  6. Social Services
Author Note: The above are subject to change   Each of these branches would have a single representative - though advisors are often brought to meetings - chosen by those in their area of trade, who participate in meetings to determine how the town will be governed. The Impartial Representative (IR) is a position open to anyone, who is chosen through voting of the whole town's population and as such is supposed to represent general people, as opposed to those from specific industries.   All branches have a single "vote" for any policies with the exception of the IR, who has two. This is based on the idea that policies can be put through without the IR voting for them, but only if at least 4 of the other areas agree on said policy.


Isthramir is located atop a large plateu surrounded by a mountain range to the north and a sharp incline to the south. Thunder Valley is located to the east, and large cliffs lead down to the ocean in the west. Subsequnetly it is difficult to attack for any human faction, and is easily defensible against most attackers.   Additionally, the town is far from most non-Terminus area civilizations. Due to being allied with other Terminus towns/citys, they are unlikely to face attack from any outside human faction.   However, they are located relatively close to Var Nexa, Thunder Valley being a prime example of this. While exceedingly rare, there have been notable points in history where Calamities have encroached on the town. While being on a raised plateau largely protects Isthramir (Calamities are mostly limited to Var Nexa where its denser atmosphere can support life), this isn't fool proof.   Self Note: They would need some defences against smaller calamities that get too close to the town? Prehaps primarily from the Thunder Crag

Industry & Trade

Ice Trade: The settlement primarily exported ice (pre ____), leading the ice trade due to its abundant and easily replenishing ice supply. This resulted in Train tracks being built primarily to transport Ice from here to the southern cities. However, this took a massive hit as of Fridges being invented. Subsequently, in recent years, the ice trade dropped off, and the town's economy similarly dropped.   Tourism: Its location - being in a snowy region that differed from most of the country, wooden/wintery theming and ice hotels/buildings attracted many tourists, which boosted the areas economy.   - Entertainment: Because of the booming tourism industry, entertainment was also a major industry in the area, one of which was the La Blanca family's performance at Valley's Rest.   The Kanna Domar - "The Relic Seekers": The Kanna Domar are the largest of the six gangs of Isthramir. Their focus is the acquistion and trade of goods, with a special interest in Relics. This has allowed them as a whole to amass wealth relative to that of the most prominent Ice Farmers at their peak. They operate by exploting the reduced regulations, or at least severity of policing/checking them, that occurs in Isthramir compared to Terminus' capital. Wood Trade: A large forest is located to the north-west of the town (and continues up the mountian range). The wood that grows here is strong, and both retains heat as well as being water proof. While not as large as the Ice Trade at its peak, this is still an industry that grew with the introduction of trains, and has been consistently strong even after the Ice Trade fell


Rivers: The inherent structure of the town is based around 3 river tributaries that run down and merge into one at the town centre. These act as the base for transporting large goods from outside of town into the centre (which is built around the meeting point of the rivers). Primarily wood and ice, but several professions (such as hunters) have smaller boats to aid carrying materials to the town market.   Ice Paths: Ice paths are pathways, tunnels, small roads and slides that are built in and around Isthramir. These are built between/around buildings (i.e. not on the main roads of the town) and are used by people to get around quickly. People can enter them from several points and slide along/down them to reach there destination. Many people have ice scates/boards/sledges to facilitate this. These were essentially carved into the town - rather than being traditionally built (at least at first) - by people using these backroutes continuously, wearing down the ice on them that didn't thaw to create the paths. The largest of these were built to transport building materials, delivered to the centre of town by the rivers, to areas not naturally reached by these. The most recent additions have been built to connect to the Train Rails on the town's southern side.   Train Rails: Built around the edge of the Town - primarily on the southern side. These are key for connecting Isthramir to the rest of the country. "Storage" tracks are built around the edge of town for currently not in use trains to be kept on. Due to being a (relatively) recent invention, few tracks actually enter the town proper; only small tracks built by private owners. Due to the difficulty of climbing the cliff outside the southern side of town, these rails are the easiest ways to transport materials to and from other settlements in Terminus.   Thunder Valley: The nearby Thunder Valley has been utilised by the town in recent years (to the primary plot) at the pushing of Nautha. In particular it has been used as an energy source, with the wealthier residents and important buildings (such as govenment owned ones) piping heat from the Valley Storms into their interiors.


Informal Divisions: Six factions occupy the town, with territories being split accordingly.   Four of these are controlled by the four largest organised criminal groups, each one having their own territory.   One of these is controlled by several, small gangs made of local people. No single larger group can occupy this area due to resistance from the smaller groups, but fighting between these smaller groups means none can become more prominent.   The final area is one "controlled" by the towns government. While they technically patrol through the entire town, they allow the five other areas to exist (through [Nautha], the Impartial Representative). Subsequnetly, their "territory" is the land and buildings specifically owned by the government and the areas inbetween the various criminal gangs.   All of these areas are interconntected and technically open to the public, who are viewed as neutral by all factions so roam where they're allowed legally.   Formal Divisions:   North Western District: This area consists of large storage


The towns largest asset was the ice industry, as the only area that could export large quantities of ice this became their primary export (becoming a wide-scale industry once Trains were prominently spread throughout the land).

Guilds and Factions

"The Six Organisations"   1. The Government:   2. The Kanna Domar - "The Relic Seekers": The largest and most powerful of the organisations that occupy Isthramir. They consist of approximatly 100 members, lead by the founder and current Regalius Bel Doneto. Their focus is the trade of goods. They occupy the ____ sector of Isthramir, with the majority of their buildings located in this area.   3.   4.   5.   6. The "Local" Gangs: Lacking singular organisation, the local gangs of Isthramir are all small groups, typically five to ten members each, that lack unity between one another. They lack the singular power to rival any of the other five organisations, but collectively occupy the smaller gaps left between the larger ones. Some have carved their own niches, but typically act more as generalists. As such they are typically grouped together.


Founding: One of the oldest settlements in [Terminus], the town was founded when people were first making their way from the central area to the Outer Plateaus, specifically the Western Area that would become [Terminus] (during the summer months) - it was located on a high plateau with a nearby lake with a few seperate streams.   These factors made it ideal for a settlement - in no small part becuase the raised height gave the people protection from the Calamities, which were unable to climb to those hights due to the thinner atmosphere.   Thunder Valley Incident Some time after the towns founding - when the town had become established and pernament settlements were built - but still farily early into the towns history, a Thunder Storm Calamity began approaching the town, extending its influence outside of the Central Area. See Creation of Thunder Valley   [Large time jump]   Pre-Story Age The Fridge is invented in the capital city. This caused the ice trade to plummet due to lack of demand, putting the town under dire monetary straights and decimating some businesses.

Points of interest

Thunder Valley: Surrounding the eastern side of Isthramir is Thunder Valley, a vast canyon filled with thunder clouds year round. The valley was created when a hero from Isthramir fought a Calamity. The clash tore chunks from the ground, creating the valley. After the fight was settled, the hero emerged from the clouds, which remain rumbling in the valley to this day.   Frozen Gardens: A permanently frozen garden - even in peak summer when the rest of the snow/ice in town melts. Located on an elevated (though relatively small) plateau in the town. The plants are always covered in a thin layer of ice that shines in the reflected sunlight. There are water features, but the water is frozen mid motion (even water falls/fountains). While some of this does melt, enough to provide for the plants in the garden, it never fully thaws. It never rains within this area, even if it is outside, or during Thunder Storms, this never reaches inside the garden. If rain would enter the garden, it always instead becomes snow or hail.   Prison: Located towards Thunder Valley, as it is the least desirable part of town to live.   Train Trade Point: This is a location found at the south of the town where the river exiting Isthramir meets/passes under the railway tracks that run the rim of the town. A relatively new area, this was built so goods (primairly from the Ice trade) could be easily transported from the town to elsewhere in the country, and vice versa. The river connects it to the Market Square, allowing for easy sale of goods to the rest of town. The Train Trade Point is seperate from the market, in that most residents in town buy goods from the market shops, with those shops doing their trade/collecting the goods to sell here. NOTE: For story purposes, perhaps Vanice has come/been sent here by his mentor to collect some goods. Or perhaps he's aware of it because of his mentor, so has gone their of his own accord to try and precure some materials to experiment/build with. This gives him a bit more agency in the story. Could combine the two.


Wood: Most buildings are made of wood, taken from the nearby forest. Adapted to the cold by being water resistant and heat retaining, this is a highly useful material for making housing.   These houses have strong colours, usually a white base with strong/vibrant Red, Green and Blue.   Houses are tyically decorated in faint lights, that reflect of the snow to create a faint glow. Useful for making sure visibility is good, even in fog/mist/night. This accompanies fur/pine needle leaf decorations (of various styles) that often drape houses.   Ground floors are typically surrounded with compact snow. This helps retain heat (as the snow stops it escaping). However, these floors aren't as well painted since they aren't typically visible (the snow typically only melts away at peak summer). This is espeically prominent on small, single floor housing.   Grass/plants grown on roofs? To help retain heat?


Isthramir is located atop a large plateau. The plateau has a three river tributaries that meet here and flow into one larger river. Note: These make it a good farming area. While on a Plateau, there is verticality to the town, with is generally running lower the closer to the Cliff Edge and Thunder Valley you get (general gradient runs from North-West to South-East). There are several points with sharp drops down to lower levels. This topography is partially what allows the Ice Paths to exist and function (though it should be noted several are artifically constructed, such as by being built off roof tops, with tunnels cutting through/under cliffs so they can pass underneath.   To the North West is a large forest, that grows up the surrounding mountain side (this is where the inhabitants obtained building materials from). One of the rivers passes through this forest. Most of the Foresters and Hunters operate in this area. While each of the businesses that operate here have small buildings (primarily rest houses and areas for storing equipment), they have larger buildings on the North West of the town for storing materials to be transported elsewhere.   Directly north is a large lake that freezes yearly, as well as several smaller fixed bodies of water (ranging from small lakes to large ponds to what some would just call puddles).   To the east is Thunder Valley - a large valley that connects the plateau to Var Nexa   Mountains surround the plateau to the north, severing/acting as a natiral barrier with the North West area


Isthramir is known for its cold climate. In winter the town is coated in snow, and even in summer the town doesn't completly thaw - with features such as the Ice Paths present year round. While locals can discern a clear difference between the months, it is common for visitors to think summer doesn't exist at all.   However, the town is also prone to Thunder Storms, eminating from the nearby Thunder Valley. At certain times of Spring and Autumn, these mix with the snow of the area, creating gorgeous light shows, where lightning runs between snowflakes, illuminating the snow and creating sparkling patterns in the clouds.
Alternative Name(s)
"Frozen Thunder"
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners


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