Asylum Graveyard
Rows of rough-hewn gravestones rise from the ground like jagged teeth, punctuated with the occasional stately monument denoting the death of someone of note. It is quiet, here, but the silent air runs thick with the dark energy of death.
The asylum graveyard is a small graveyard behind the Hearthand State Asylum. It is used to erect monuments to those who passed, who were important to Ace Ventura.
While present within the graveyard itself, the owners of this structure and their allies cast all necromancy spells as if the spell slots expended were two levels higher, to a maximum spell level of 9th. If a necromancy spell requires a corpse to function, that requirement is automatically filled while within this expansion. Intelligence (Arcana) checks made here that deal with necromancy or the dead have advantage.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization
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