Gemini Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Doctor Latro Dectus (a.k.a. Gemini)

Gemini is a warforged plague doctor who is the leader of the Ace Ventura.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gemini has a slim warforged build, created to optimise speed and agility. His plate is made of metal and enchanted wood under his plating. His newest form has wrought iron plating with his glowing turquoise eyes.

Special abilities

Gemini was created to have remarkable fortitude, represented by the following benefits. He has advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and he has resistance to poison damage. He does not need to eat, drink, or breathe. He is immune to disease. He does not need to sleep, and magic can't put you to sleep. When he takes a long rest, he must spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, he appears inert, but it doesn’t render him unconscious, and he can see and hear as normal.

Apparel & Accessories

Intimidating appearance, considering his plague doctor mask and his various other accessories. He wears plague doctor robes, a mask, and sometimes wears a jester outfit.

Specialized Equipment

Gemini has the warforged skirmisher specialisation, built for speed, as well as special programming to allow him to understand anatomy and surgery. He wields a greatsword stolen from Quentin Greaves and has plate armour gifted to him by Calder.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gemini was one of the creations involved with Project Zodiac. He was created shortly before The Collision, and used as a mercenary for the Alliance. Him and his brother were hired by the Harpers to escorted the Power Stone to Azulora. At some point after that, Gemini was deactivated, and separated from his brother, Gemini.  

Ace Ventura and Eclipse

  Gemini's journey to becoming guildmaster of Ace Ventura began in late 8007. He was arrested by Aura for purchasing illegal medicine from the Ordayn Crime Syndicate. While on parole, travelling with Aura and Koko, they bonded and eventually became an adventuring party together. Along the way, Gemini had had his head stolen from Mirabelle Claudine and he confronted her at Cassius Stormborn's Dragon Sanctum.   The guild's vast amount of wealth began when Gemini started selling organs harvested from bad people to Amecular. With that money, he founded Ace Ventura and hired Jenny Drew and Maris Vidra to help.   At the behest of Van Helsing, Gemini went to the Peace Party in the east, only to meet Lysa Balor and uncover the conspiracy of Eclipse. Eclipse was a cult made up of many disgraced tyrants and people who had fallen from grace, and were bitter about it.   After being hunted by drow bounty hunters, Gemini escaped with Ace Ventura through Milfgaard. Hoping things might calm down, Ace Ventura started trying to build up allies and take normal quests and jobs. Gemini travelled to Amecular's Convent and discovered Amecular's hobbies. Amecular was killed by Sardinia VI.   Gemini went with Ace Ventura and the Alliance to the Underdark to confront Eclipse. Gemini shut down the reactor that was tapping into the Weave. After Nicolai's funeral, Gemini began hiring new recruits for the guild.   Gemini joined the Many Guilds. He made a deal with the Red Wizards of Thay to owe them a favour.   The god Hades appeared to him and informed him that Ace Ventura was in danger.  


Gemini travelled to Old Barovia and started feeling ill.   Gemini started getting weaker and weaker. After his return, he found that his artificial soul had been tainted by planeblight. With this disease, his days are now numbered. One day, he may just collapse, and never get back up.   Gemini started to forget things. He had to seek treatment from Sigmund for therapy to help him keep his sanity.   Gemini trained briefly under Art, a Harper paladin who he met on a mission to Anthor. Gemini learned how to infuse his strikes with divine energy, channelling the poisonous power of his corrupted soul into smites.   Gemini travelled to the Mere of Dead Men to visit the Styes, as requested by the Red Wizards, to investigate a disturbance in the Weave. The disturbance appeared to be a planar gateway opened by an entity calling itself Santa Claus, however the brief investigation in the Styes brought up the name Tharizdun. Gemini updated the Red Wizards, then promptly returned to the west.   Gemini met Arilyn Moonflower, and they started working together to try and uncover the secrets of the Red Wizards and what could be happening to tie the dragon and giant attacks together into something much bigger. The Red Wizards then asked Gemini to burn down the fields of Arcanum Flowers in the Greenhouse of the Gods, which he did. After a disturbing vision in his sentry's rest, he went to visit Doctor Owens, only to find out from his butler that Owens had passed shortly before Candlenights. He investigated the moruge, and then was brought before new queen Laeral Silverhand in Castle Waterdeep. Laeral informed him that she wanted to be allies after she heard everything that Ace Ventura had done to stop Eclipse.  

Tyranny of Dragons

When the time comes, Gemini will be one of the heroes to stand against the wrathful might of Tiamat.

Gender Identity

Male (he/him)




Hobbies & Pets

He used to have Epona, a horse, however she is now deceased. He also likes to research. He has since acquired a new horse, one bred at the pony farm, named Carissima.



Coworker (Important)

Towards Calder




Coworker (Important)

Towards Gemini




Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Gemini




Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Serana





Towards Gemini




Towards Tarantula


Doctor Zweistein


Towards Gemini




Towards Doctor Zweistein


Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
8002 8 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Created as part of the Zodiac Project
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, vague Draconic, Elvish

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