Bloodshard Trident Item in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Bloodshard Trident

When I lose, I gain. When I am cut, you are cut deeper. No one sacrifices for nothing: you are either gaining power, fame, or favor. I choose to gain them all.   This magic trident has grooves in its obsidian surface that are used to channel blood in rituals of self-sacrifice. While holding the trident, you can use a bonus action to make a blood offering. When you do, choose a number of hit points to sacrifice. You take necrotic damage equal to the amount you sacrifice, which can't be reduced or prevented in any way. For every 5 hit points you sacrifice, the trident creates 1 shard of magic obsidian, which floats alongside the trident's three prongs for 1 minute. You can have up to 3 shards in this way at a time. The trident deals an extra 1d4 piercing damage to any target it hits for each floating shard it has.   When you throw the trident while it has at least 1 floating shard, the weapon flies back to your hand immediately after the attack.   The Bloodshard Trident was once a trident of Poseidon, and the crafting of it was all done by Hades.
by The Griffon's Saddlebag
Item type
Weapon, Melee
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