City Watch Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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City Watch

The City Watch of Terra Caelum serves as the police force within the west. Its strict code of conduct and well trained operatives makes the Watch one of the most trusted police forces in the continent. They work hand in hand with the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors to protect the innocent of Terra Caelum.


The Watch's purpose is not only to enforce the law, but also to ensure the well-being of Waterdhavians.   It has a centralised command in each city led by the Captain of the Guard/Watch, who supervises three watchlords, or senior commanders: the Mage Civilar in charge of the wizard corps; the Senior Armsmaster, who was in charge of supplies and reports directly to the Captain of the Watch; and the Grand Civilar, who commanded the ward civilars and held the same rank as the Mage Civilar. The Captain reports directly to the Thane, King/Queen, or High Septon of the Hold in which they serve.   Each ward of a city is patrolled by a division of the Watch under the command of a ward civilar, or major, who oversees all the senior civilars commanding the watch stations of their respective wards.   Each guard post is commanded by a senior civilar or captain, sometimes referred to as a rorden, who commands a number of patrols. Senior civilars also perform duties as orsars, acting as envoys and prisoner escorts; and as guardswords, in charge of patrolling the docks and gates.   Each patrol is headed by a civilar, or lieutenant,also known as a swordcaptain or amlar. Typical patrol groups included one armar, or sergeant, also known as a "sword", and two or more constables, also known as "blades", patrolmen, or watchmen/watchwomen.
Government, Law Enforcement
Parent Organization
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