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In the Demiplane of Dread, a darklord (sometimes referred to as "domain lord") is a person whose evil has drawn the attention of the Dark Powers. Each darklord is ultimately imprisoned inside a domain, a prison ultimately reflective of the darklord's personality, crimes, and nature. A domain usually, but not always, comprises a body of land and/or water considerable enough that it might be considered a small, discrete nation or realm. Though imprisoned within, the conditions that bind a darklord to a realm also give the darklord great power over the domain. This is not to say darklords necessarily have temporal rule over their domain, but they are often in positions of political power or other leadership roles.   All darklords suffer from their own personal curses, crafted to torment through poetic justice. To go with their imprisonment, darklords are prevented from ever achieving their ultimate goals. The great and often unnatural powers, including the connection to their domains, might be considered "rewards" in compensation, but ultimately these boons are miniscule in relation to the personal hells darklords suffer under.   Darklords are always creatures of great evil, figures that are for the most part beyond redemption. They are not victims but rather ultimately villains, having at least hypothetically walked the path to damnation of their own choosing. It takes great acts of evil to earn the attention of the Dark Powers.   The transgressions that damn a darklord may be successive over time if the potential darklord has entered or is native to the Demiplane of Dread. On the other hand, acts of ultimate darkness, deeds so foul they outweigh all other sins, may draw greater attention from the Dark Powers. As such, living outside the Demiplane is no protection for the greatly wicked, as the Demiplane may draw in new darklords from perpetrators of great evil from the Prime Material Plane.   If a visitor to the Demiplane performs enough evil acts, that person may become a darklord.
Civic, Political
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