Eclipse Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Eclipse was a secret organisation worshipping an unknown god, collecting soul power and tapping into the Weave to try to restart the universe's timeline. While the cult appears to be destroyed, its extent has never been truly discovered, and may still be alive in some sects.  

Black Rose

The oldest members of Eclipse appear to have connections to the ancient Black Rose Clan.  

Stonewall Empire

The Stonewall Empire was a military faction puppeted by Obscurus as a faction in the War of Hope and Despair. It involved Obscurus' void magic that made it easy to relocate armies through rifts at will.  

The Collision

Tinkertown Underground had its origins in Black Rose experiments. Elias von Stein saw the technology invented by the elves and left abandoned by them and used them to develop Eclipse technology and conduct experiments underneath Tinkertown.   The Collision culminated in von Stein's experiments being exposed and destroyed by the Moonlight Brigade and the heroes of 8002.   Before his death, Elias used experimental brainwashing techniques to convince his nephew Edouard to create Eclipse.   Many of the foot soldiers and agents involved in Eclipse were rejects from the Moonlight Brigade and the Harpers.  

Cult of Sun and Moon

The Church of Seiddit was overtaken by deva priestesses and forced to worship a god of the sun. They used alluring visions to blind and brainwash people to believe in the vision of a perfect world that Edouard had. Eclipse also manipulated a small druidic circle to believe in a lunar deity. The experiment was to see how far the brainwashing could go- was it potent enough to make two factions want to fight each other to the death?   The druidic moon cult was also using residual void magic to try and recreate Obscurus' abilities.  

Those Fallen from Grace

The von Stein brainwashing techniques were ideal for use on those who had fallen from positions of power and were desperate to retrieve them. Those include Graz'zt, Alexandra, Serana, and more.   Eclipse used their alliance with the Ordayn Crime Syndicate to produce machinery and automatic weapons for them.
Founding Date
Secret, Brotherhood
Related Professions
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Notable Members
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