Father Typhimurium Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Father Typhimurium

Father Trevor Typhimurium

Father Typhimurium is a Nilfgaardian Cleric of the Grave and Plague Doctor based in Ballay. He works as a courier for a benefactor at Lionshield Coster.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Father Typhimurium specialises in Necromancy spells such as Revivify and True Resurrection, and for many years ran the Resurrection Ward in the Ballay General Hospital. His lifespan has been extended by many years of dealing with Necromantic energy.   In recent years, he quit his job, only to open his own Resurrection Clinic that offers the service at a cheaper price. To make ends meet, he also works as a courier for Lionshield Coster.
Year of Birth
7839 171 Years old
Aligned Organization

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