Lionshield Coster Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Lionshield Coster

The Lionshield Coster is a merchant company based in the fortified city of Ballay.   The merchant company's symbol is an image of a lion's head placed upon a wooden or metal shield. In some instances, the lion is coloured blue, while in others it is emblazoned over a blue background.  


The merchant company are able to ship finished goods, such as supplies of armour and weapons, to small settlements and towns all throughout the eastern regions of Terra Caelum.   One such settlement is the newly settled frontier town of Phandalin near the Rubygold Mountains. It is overseen by Linene Graywind. The organisation also has a trading post in Nightstone, run by Darthag Ulgar, and a store called the Lion's Share in Triboar, managed by Narth Tezrin and Alaestra Ulgar.
Corporation, Business
Notable Members

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