Ballay Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The fortified city of Ballay stands on the east coast of Anauroch. Ballay is prosperous and becoming increasingly crowded. Some of its old buildings have been torn down and taller ones built; four-storeys high, in some cases.   Because the city is a major river port, Ballay's elected leader is called a Waterbaron. The current Waterbaron is Nestra Ruthiol, a shrewd, vindictive woman in her late fifties. Ballay is not a member of the Alliance, but Ruthiol would like it to now that the Shadowed Vale has joined, and that relationship may prove vital to her city's survival and prosperity. She knows that the Harpers and the Zhentarim are well established in the city, but her path crosses with theirs only when the well-being of Ballayans is threatened. Both factions have infiltrated the local thieves' guild, the all-female Hand of Ballay.


The ruler of Ballay, the Waterbaron, is elected for life. The previous Waterbaron was a coastal elf named Belleethe Kheldorna. Before her was Alahar Khaumfros, who had inherited the position from his father and who was later revealed to be the leader of the Kraken Society.   The Waterbaron in the years around 8008 was Nestra Ruthiol, a Shadar noblewoman woman in her fifties with a reputation for being shrewd and farseeing.  

Notable Locations

Dannath's Pickles, Nuts, & Foods

A high-priced but very well-stocked food shop.  

Esklindrar's Maps, Books, & Folios

A dusty old shop owned by the sage Esklindrar Iol. It boasts an enormous number of treasure maps.  

Firelust Fabrics & Tailoring

A multi-generational family of tailors operate out of the shop.  

Halassa's Waterwell & Fine Wines

Offers freshwater, local and imported vintages and spirits including dwarvish and elvish varieties. The cellars descend around the well in multiple levels and are secured with many locked gates.  

Hasklar's Arms & Armour

The shop is run by ghosts.  

Lionshield Trading Coster

A merchant house based in Ballay with offices in Triboar, Nightstone, and Phandalin.  


Ballay's market is an open area filled with a maze-like agglomeration of stalls selling all sorts of goods, including crystal perfume bottles from Apophis, magical potions, and spellcasting components of great rarity and power. It is known locally as the Fishyard, and always has fish caught from the river on sale. Even in the depths of winter, ice fishermen bring their wares to the stalls.  

Winter Winds

This is an expensive, but excellent quality, clothing store run by two di Vorana brothers.  

Happy Hall of Fortuitous Happenstance

This temple dedicated to the dwarf god Talos is a grim fortress of forbidding stone with arched windows that sits on a small hill. By tradition, the temple sponsors many bands of adventurers to stir things up in the east. Adventurers are allowed to stay at the temple for up to nine nights and are provided food. The temple is also known as Two Hap Fort Hall and The Two.  

Beldabar's Rest

This inn is located beneath the city, under the Fishyard.  

The Inn of the Glowing Gem


One Foot in the Boat

A popular midscale tavern that is frequented by adventurers.

The Cointoss

A rundown tavern frequented by locals trying to avoid intrigue and tourists. Anyone that could toss a coin through the eye slit of the helm hanging over the bar got their next glass for free. It is owned and operated by Tanataskar Moonwind.  

The Pearl-Handled Pipe

This inn is considered the best in all of Ballay. The Pearl-Handled Pipe can accommodate more than 600 guests and is lavishly decorated with antique furnishings, fine tapestries, and elegant works of art. It is operated by Elladuth Myristar.  

White-Winged Griffon

This creaking, run-down hostel was known as Whitewings to locals. It is run by a pair of old brothers that mumble.  

Three Rivers Festhall

This festhall is a simple festhall.  

Wink and Kiss

The Hand of Yartar protects this large tavern and uses it for clandestine dealings. Its interior was constructed as a maze, with many secret doors and hidden passages to confuse pursuers.  

The Grand Dame

Khaspere Drylund owns this opulently appointed riverboat. When not cruising the river, it can be found moored at the city docks. The boat houses the Golden Goose Casino, which attracts some of Ballay's most wealthy citizens.  

The Villa

The Harpers maintain a villa in the heart of Ballay. It is a safehouse with a secret Teleportation Circle hidden behind Hallucinatory Terrain. Kolbaz, an old Apophisinian mage and Harper Agent, maintains the spells concealing the circle and scares away interlopers with his cantrips.  

Waterbaron's Hall

The Hall is the residence and court of the Waterbaron. Stocks carved in the shape of stone lions it inside the building's stone colonnade.  


The city is served by a mounted fighting force called the Shields of Ballay, that are headquartered in the Shield Tower.

Trade and Industry

Due to its location, a portside city that controls a major trade route in Anauroch, Ballay enjoys a thriving fishing community. An abundance of locally-caught crab, eel and other types of seafood, helped the industry thrive. It is known for its barge-building operation.   Ballay is an important waypoint for caravans and traders travelling through the Shadowed Vale, and the great ruins of Anauroch. As such, many of its business catered to caravaneers, merchants and adventurers that regularly travel the roads of the east.  


In the three years between leap years, Bally hosts the Hiring Fair on a field north of the city. This event draws thousands of outcasts, wanderers, barbarians, criminals, and adventurers from the surrounding area to sell their labour to farmers, merchants, nobles, and anyone else that may need workers or bodyguards. It is common for adventuring bands to form at the fair.  


As famous as any group within the city, the Hand of Ballay is a fractious thieves' guild made up entirely of women. While they are as large a criminal organisation as any found in the east, infighting is common and prevents them from gaining real influence. The Hand of Ballay cooperates with the Zhentarim when it is advantageous to do so.   The Lionshield Coster is a trading company based in Ballay. Their symbol is a lion's head atop a field of blue.   A successful adventuring company called the Smiling Company has operated out of Ballay for nearly a decade. They make regular donations to the Happy Hall.   The greatest threat facing Ballay is the Kraken Society, which is trying to seize control of the city from within and turn it into a stronghold.
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