Fiendsworn Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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A fiendsworn has undergone a process to make them more like a fiend. Some do this to serve infernal masters, while others do it to better hunt fiends.   Some fiendsworn are normal people who have pledged their life to fighting. They underwent a transformation to better understand and fight them. Fiendsworn always have to fight against the darkness inside of them. Many fiendsworn eventually succumb to evil and end up becoming that which they fought against.   One common attribute among all fiendsworn is that they have a supernatural leaping ability. They use this to surprise their foes in battle.   The fiendsworn use their surprising leap to close the distance to a foe, or to maneuver around and target a spellcaster. If fighting near ledges, it will attempt to trip foes and knock them off. If the fiendsworn can isolate a target, it will use its suffocate ability if the target appears physically weak.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
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