Thay Geographic Location in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Thay is a mysterious and terribly powerful magocratic nation in east Terra Caelum, that is governed by the Zulkirs of the Red Wizards. It is ruled by the necromancer lich Szass Tam, along with the Council of Zulkirs, who are supported by a near-endless chain of bureaucrats and local leaders. The true nature of Thay lays in the endless pursuit of arcane knowledge and power by the country's elite. This driving force permeates the wasteland's dark history.   The land itself was once part of the dwarven kingdom of Salzenstadt, and was a thriving area with rolling hills and an abundance of nature. However, since the Collision, the land has deteriorated, with the natural world decaying. Now it is a wasteland ruled by the Red Wizards, who saw the power vacuum and assumed control.


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