The Nine Hells Geographic Location in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The Nine Hells

The Nine Hells, sometimes Hell or Hells, also known as Baator in Infernal, was the home of the devils. Under Asmodeus, it was a plane of sinister evil and institutional cruelty organised in a strict caste system with a very rigid chain of command. Unlike the demons of the Abyss, the devils were highly organised in their quest for power and status—scheming and plotting power plays, coups, and assassinations.    Each of the nine Hells have their own physical laws or properties of matter, but all are inhospitable or deadly to outsiders This plane's place in the cosmology of the Forgotten Realms shifted over time but was always a bastion and incubator for those of the lawful evil persuasion.


The Nine Hells were originally ruled by the first angel Lucifer, and then he who overthrew him; Asmodeus. Asmodeus ruled for many years until Lilith took the throne in the early 8000s.
Alternative Name(s)
Hell, Hells, Baator
Dimensional plane
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