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Four is a changeling assassin, from an outer plane of existence.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It is from an outer plane that was destroyed. The plane was very full of nature with only a small amount of stone buildings. These outer changelings lived a calm and peaceful life but their ability to replicate and change angered the local tribes. Four and its band of fourteen compatriots were out in the nearby planar regions on an adventure when they heard the news that elves, dwarves and humans had gone into their home and slain the entire community. Four's group decided to seek vengeance and each of them took a code number as a name with One being the leader.   Four is a changeling wizard who doesn't typically use combat spells, instead a dagger and crossbow. Its name is Four and each of its compatriots in an assassin group with their numbers indicating their rank. It would kill by taking a target, and moving in down the street. It would give itself a new face and spend months getting to know the target and their family. It'd learn their routine, wait until they were at work, then kill them and transform into them. Four then lives another few months as them so that the family would not get suspicious before deciding to leave.   Four has three small books filled with drawings, one of general races, one of targets, and a book of favourite faces. It loves drawing. It is obsessed as it wants to know every detail about its faces.




Towards Damian Pokobo


Damian Pokobo

Enemy (Important)

Towards Four



Four killed Damian's father as one of his targets and destroyed Damian's family as a result.

Current Location
Year of Birth
7944 66 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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