Free Peach City Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Free Peach City

The Free Peach City is the capital city of the Free Peach. It seats Keep Greaves to the east of the city, with many wards situated in the city proper.  

A Liberated City

For far too long, Free Peach City and its surrounding region had been ruled by the evil king Lord Quentin Greaves of House Greaves. His fall finally came during the Liberation of the Free Peach. Under his rule, the city had walls to keep away any undesirables, such as infernal blooded folk, or those of orc descent. However, his own heir, Marjorie Greaves, plotted against him with the Alliance.  


The population is at around 95,000, with only 51% being humans.  

Notable Areas

Binroad District

Binroad District is home to Number 45 and Binchild's Restaurant.

Typical house in Binroad District by Merlin

Pinecone Drive

Pinecone Drive is part of a large middle class suburb. It is home to Sister Garaele and Damian Pokobo, living in Number 67 and 42 respectfully. Doctor Zweistein also lives in Pinecone Drive, at Number 11, and has a customised basement expansion that holds an extradimensional laboratory.

Trades Ward

Industrial Ward

The industrial ward is home to the Peach Brew Distillery, as well as to many of the smithing and practical businesses and guilds of the city. It also has residential areas where many apartments are available for rent or purchase at affordable prices.  

Theatre Ward

Farms and Orchards

Overgrown Ruins

Since the Collision and the Liberation, many of the old religious shrines under Greaves' jurisdiction fell to disrepair. Moreover, the once impenetrable city walls are now in ruin and overgrown with moss and ivy.   The ruins themselves attract spiritfolk and yokai, as well as fey and sometimes undead. This leads to the folklore of the ruins around the Free Peach being known by many as haunted, or cursed.   Druids who wish to pay their respects to those who died during the War of Hope and Despair sometimes travel to the ruined city walls and add part of their own druidic magic to help the moss and ivy grow faster and further.  

Trade and Industry



Before the Liberation, Free Peach City was known as impenetrable for the simple reason that the massive settlement was surrounded by 60 foot high walls built to keep out "undesirables". The destruction of these walls was partly a statement against the tyrannical rule of Lord Greaves and the Alliance to enter the city anyway.   The city does have an underground generator, however, directly below the City Centre. The generator, when active, creates an invisible arcane bubble that encapsulates the whole city. Designed by Tinkertown Underground before the Liberation, the bubble works as a ward against specific creature types. The creature type it wards against can be specified, and it works similar to the spell Magic Circle but on a much larger scale. The bubble can still be activated; however, as of 8009, it is under strict guard by the king or queen's Crownsguard.


  • Free Peach City
  • Free Peach City
Founding Date
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Inhabitant Demonym
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