Grey Wolf Tribe Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Grey Wolf Tribe

The Grey Wolf barbarians are murderous werewolves, which roam in packs with ordinary wolves. They hunt down and kill those who survive their attacks to prevent the spread of lycanthropy among non-tribe members. Grey Wolf packs (as the clans call themselves) can be found throughout the Glacies Mountains, as far south as Pumpkin Patch and the Tomb of Nihalar. Adventurers from Ace Ventura recently slew the last great chief of the Grey Wolves, Syken Nightblaze. Envir Sykensdottir has taken over her father's pack and plans to attack Breantis from the mountain passes to prove that she should be named the next great chief of the tribe.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Related Professions
Notable Members

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