Hellrider Profession in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The Hellriders (also written as HellRiders and Hell Riders), and also known as the Riders of Elturel or simply the Riders, were an elite cavalry unit who acted as the primary armed force of the city of Elturel prior to its descent into Avernus. The Hellriders helped the Yerentil Empire establish the holy city. They were one of the most renowned and well-regarded military forces in the Prime Material Plane. For a city guard, they outmatched the armies of the realm.   They numbered approximately 2000 women and men prior to the fall of Elturel. A typical Hellrider patrol numbered thirty warriors, with at least one cleric of Corellon and led by a Marshal. They also had foot patrols of twenty warriors around the city. Travellers most often encountered the Hellriders via these patrols.   In addition to guarding and policing the city itself, they patrolled the lands around that were within Elturel's jurisdiction with their well-known mounted patrols. In the farmlands to the west, north, and east, they had warning beacons ready to light. Watchers on the roofwalks of Elturel's High Hall, home of the High Rider, were always on the lookout for returning Hellriders or the smoke or fire of the beacons.   Enlistment and training could begin as young as twelve. People came to Elturel from other lands just to join the Hellriders. All Hellriders were required to give a tenth of their earnings to Elturel's coffers.
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