Zariel Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Archduchess Zariel

Zariel is a bloodthirsty fallen deva who rules over the first layer of hell. She is a staunch believer in alignment, and believes the wars waged by the celestials to be justified, even though she has fallen from her grace. While she is happy to accumulate power in her realm, she would not turn down an opportunity to return to Mount Celestia.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zariel appears as an angel whose once beautiful skin and wings have been ruined by fire. Her eyes glow bright white, and can cause those she looks at to burst into flame. She has pale, greyish skin, pointed ears, and red wings. A wreath of fire circles her head, which is completely bald.

Apparel & Accessories

She wields a spiked flail which seems to replace a missing left hand, and a hammer called Matalotok. She wears black and red armour which trails behind her in tattered cloth, and chains dangle from her waist.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

On the plane of Mount Celestia, the angel Zariel chastised her peers for not getting involved in the Blood War. She felt that it was the responsibility of the angelic host to destroy evil in the multiverse, rather than stand back and watch demons and devils annihilate one another, destroying vast swaths of the multiverse in the process. In defiance of her superiors, Zariel left Mount Celestia and went to Elturel, where she rallied an army of warriors and trained them to fight in the Blood War. She promised them that when they were ready, she would lead them into battle on Avernus.   Zariel led her army out of Elturel amid a throng of cheering well-wishers and proud citizens in 7354. In an epic charge known as the Ride, Zariel's army entered Avernus and took the fight to the archdevil Bel and his infernal legions. Many of Zariel's warriors fought bravely, but for others, the horrors of the Nine Hells proved too great. They fled back through the portal, sealing it behind them and never revealing their shameful retreat and betrayal. The Hellriders, as they were called, would wear this badge of shame to the grave.  

Zariel's Fall

Zariel lost more than her army on Avernus. She also lost a hand, which was severed in battle. As her sword fell to the ground, Zariel ordered Yael, her most devoted general, to take the weapon and hide it, so that the devils would not destroy or corrupt it. Yael took the sword and fled, along with Zariel's faithful hollyphant companion, Lulu. Zariel's other two generals, Olanthius and Haruman, refused to leave Zariel's side. All three were captured and sent to Nessus, the lowest of the Nine Hells. There, Zariel was brought before Asmodeus, who welcomed her with open arms. The Lord of the Nine commended Zariel for her battle prowess and the strength of her convictions. He offered her rulership of Avernus, much to Bel's chagrin. By swearing fealty to Asmodeus and the Nine Hells, Zariel could bring her rage to bear against the demons and continue to fight in the Blood War, with legions of devils under her command. Zariel accepted Asmodeus's terms, completing her fall from grace. Haruman followed his master into damnation willingly and was transformed into a narzugon devil, while Olanthius, who took his own life rather than bow before Asmodeus, was brought back to serve as a death knight under Zariel's burning gaze.  

The Companion

Zariel never forgot her betrayers—those who ran from the battlefield. She kept a close eye on Elturel, waiting for the day when she could enact her revenge. That day came in 7433, when Elturel was conquered by a vampire lord. A priest of Corellon named Thavius Kreeg appealed to any power to help him save his holy city. In that instant, Zariel emerged from a pillar of fire and offered him a deal, which Thavius readily accepted.   In the sky over Elturel, a radiant sphere called the Companion appeared, blazing like a second sun. Powered by a planetar imprisoned within it, the Companion bathed Elturel and the surrounding countryside in holy light which sent the vampire lord scrambling for the shadows and laid waste to his undead army. Thavius Kreeg, who took credit for summoning the Companion, was hailed as the saviour of the city and rose to become its high overseer. Under Kreeg's decades-long rule, Elturel embarked on a path to becoming not just a holy city but emboldening the nation of Yerentil.  

Darkonian Nights

Zariel found an opportunity to potentially win back the trust and good graces of the angels and celestials. In 7822, while exploring the Abyss she came upon the Domains of Dread. During her expedition, she discovered the existence of Darkon, the Darkonian Knights, and the Skorva. She discovered of the surviving Olympians Hades and Aphrodite, as well as Persephone.
Year of Birth
666 7344 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations

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