Avernus Geographic Location in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Avernus is the first layer of the Nine Hells. The most likely beachhead for any attack by demon-kind, it is the primary battleground of the Blood War: legions of devils march across its plains in continual readiness to repel the hordes of demon invaders that sail the River Styx into the layer.   The layer is a charred wasteland of vast ashen plains covered in rubble and the occasional line of foothills and basalt mountains heaped with broken rocks of obsidian and quartz. The ubiquitous presence of rocks and boulders, some of which seem to resemble tormented faces and shapes of creatures, render the terrain extremely treacherous and difficult to cross at any pace quicker than a fast walk.   A blood-red light suffuses the very air and huge Fireballs fly at random through the sky, occasionally impacting and exploding wherever they hit. There is no sun or stars in the Avernus sky. Travellers need to get to shelter like a building or cave, lest they inevitably be struck.   As with all the lower planes, the River Styx runs through Avernus, with a number of offshoots and falls. Rivulets, lakes, and streams flow across Avernus's plains and feed the Styx. The source of this blood is not known; devils claim it probably comes from all who have died on Avernus.  


The ruler of Avernus was titled the Lord of the First. This position is held by Zariel, who had been betrayed by Bel, and then supplanted him again by the late 80th century. Bel, a pit fiend general from Dis, was demoted by Asmodeus and made her advisor. She resides in a soaring basalt citadel. When he ruled, Bel dwelled in his own fortress at the centre of the Bronze Citadel.  


Avernus was once ruled by then-archfiend Tiamat, who served Asmodeus faithfully. Her job was to prevent outcast devils on the layer from becoming a threat, but she performed so poorly that Asmodeus demoted her. Knowing her failure was not deliberate by reading her thoughts, Asmodeus deigned to allow Tiamat to remain in Avernus unpunished, and even gave her a chance to regain her position if she impressed him in her new role as the guardian of the main gate to the second layer. This state of affairs lasted until 8009 when Tiamat was elevated to the status of demigoddess.   Avernus was then ruled by Zariel, until she was inevitably betrayed by Bel, a pit fiend general waging the Blood War. Bel's minions whispered that he kept Zariel prisoner deep within the Bronze Citadel and drained her of her hellish power, slowly turning her into a soul shell while he enhanced his might. Lacking the support of the other Lords of the Nine, bar maybe Asmodeus, Bel could advance no further, at least for the time being.   During Bel's rule, Asmodeus asked Tiamat to offer covert aid to Zariel in order to prevent Bel from becoming too powerful, in a ploy orchestrated with Bel to keep Tiamat herself in check, effectively making her a prisoner in Avernus.   Upon her return to power, Zariel, still enraged from having been at Tiamat's mercy, assisted Severin and a group of Red Wizards of Thay to free her from Avernus, if only to rid the layer of Tiamat's presence
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