House Greaves Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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House Greaves

House Greaves was the house of the royal family of the Free Peach.  

Quentin Greaves (7962-Present)

Quentin was the husband of Evelyn and is the father of Marjorie and Serana.  

Evelyn Greaves (7966-7991)

Evelyn was the wife of Quentin and the mother of Marjorie and Serana. She was executed by her husband shortly after he went mad.  

Marjorie Bellona Greaves (7982-8008)

Marjorie was the older daughter in the Greaves family. She was also the favoured daughter, groomed by her father to take the throne and rule as a tyrant. After the Collision, she colluded with the Alliance to overthrow him. She died in the Underdark, as a victim of Eclipse.  

Serana Marjorie Greaves (7985-Present)

Serana is the younger daughter and was cursed with some kind of magical illness by Vapul at a young age. She was unable to go anywhere without a constant IV drip until she was infected with the Dragonborn Virus.
Geopolitical, Great house
Subsidiary Organizations

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