Khaspere Drylund Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Khaspere Drylund

Lord Khaspere Drylund

Lord Drylund is a Ballayan noble who is eager to displace Ruthiol as the Ballay's Waterbaron. He can't have Ruthiol eliminated, however, until he has gathered enough support to guarantee victory in the election to determine her successor. He hopes to win votes by identifying and bribing (or blackmailing) Ballay's most corruptible officials, and by hosting extravagant parties aboard his private, splendidly decorated riverboat, the Grand Dame.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Drylund is maneuvering to become the city's new Waterbaron. He runs a gambling hall aboard a riverboat named the Grand Dame. Lord Drylund's wealthy patrons are the movers and shakers of Ballay, and he wants to impress them and place them in his debt. They come to his riverboat day and night, exchanging coins for wooden gambling chips called "golden geese." They dine on the finest prepared food, dance to marvellous music, and gamble away their chips at Lord Drylund's tables, all under the watchful eye of his chief of security, the wizard Pow Ming.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
7973 37 Years old
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization

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