Lord Capulue Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Lord Capulue

Lord Remus James Capulue

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lord Capulue, once a noble paladin, fell from grace as he struck down King Joseph III. He had been overcome with darkness and rage at the time, however he has never stated his reasoning for doing what he did. His oath shattered, he became and oathbreaker paladin, forced to serve a sentence to the Reynolds Kingdom. After thirty years of toiling for the royals, he managed to regain the trust of the royal family, and became the Lord of Vorana.   Nowadays, Lord Capulue runs his own paladin militia operating in the town of Vorana.
Date of Birth
30th of June
Year of Birth
7955 55 Years old
Black, shoulder length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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