Vorana Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Two houses, both clouded by enchantment, In fair Vorana which we now lay our scene, From this falsehood grudge comes a newfound sentiment, Where heroes' steel make fool's minds clean.   Or from forth the conflict of these two foes, A pair of star-cross'd teens may take their life; A misunderstood case of arcane woes, With their love or their death, bury their parents' strife.   In either case their hurried fate, And the continuance of their parents' rage, Which, only their children's bond, could hope to debate, Is now the many session'd chapter of our Discord server; The which if you with patient ears, eyes, and dice attend, What has been corrupted, our party shall strive to mend.   INTRODUCTION TO FORBIDDEN AND FORGOTTEN   Vorana is a town on the south west coast of the Western Plains. It sits on the River Horatio and is governed by a council, led by humans named Lord Remus and Lady Cardea Capulue They run a paladin militia that patrols the town. Vorana is best known as a city home to the Bard's College, the most prestigious educational institution for bards in Terra Caelum.  

Notable Locations

The Bard's College

Sharpest Shot

Cowardly Goose

The Barnacle

This pub is underground, built adjacent the river Horatio.


This planetarium is used to observe the stars and analyse constellations.

Temple of Leuciphia

The only temple in Terra Caelum dedicated to Leuciphia, goddess of poetry and beauty.


Scartusks is an orc run coffee chain.


Harmony Grove Cemetery

The Harmony Grove Cemetery is where many di Vorana poets and actors have been buried over the years.

King's Library

Order of the Gauntlet Gym

The Order of the Gauntlet own a gym in the centre of Vorana.

Capulue Stables

Doughing Pains

This is a bakery that serves as a front for the Kobold Mafia.  


Capulue Militia

Kobold Mafia


Rhythm Thieves' Guild

Lotus Club

Vorana cover


  • Vorana
Founding Date
Large town
Related Ethnicities
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Included Locations
Owning Organization
Related Professions

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