Mere of Dead Men Geographic Location in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Mere of Dead Men

The Mere of Dead Men is a wetland along the eastern coast of the Shadowed Vale. The name refers to the thousands of dwarves, elves, and humans of the Netherese kingdom of the Dragon Kingdom and all the Easterners who were slain here during the many conflicts in the past, particularly the Barovian wars and the Summer War.   The Mere is located along the eastern coast of the Shadowed Vale. It is cornered by the Svalich Woods.  

Lay of the Land

The Mere of Dead Men is a desolate place full of monsters and few members of the civilised races. Since 7810, the swamp has been constantly growing, swallowing homes and property located close to its boundaries. It is believed that the eastern boundary of the Mere is magically bound to the Svalich Woods (perhaps via a Wish spell from the Mere's creator), since attempts to reroute the road were futile and only caused the expansion of the swamp.   The Mere itself is full of trees, vines, quicksand, and hidden islands, and it is generally covered in fog, making visibility very poor. The bones of fallen creatures are clearly visible throughout the Mere. The water is deep enough that it can be navigated on a flat-bottomed boat, but the dark water and hidden obstructions make that choice dangerous. Inside the Mere are the flooded ruins of a number of castles and settlements. Many of the castles have strange wards that would either strengthen certain magic or negate it.
Wetland / Swamp
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