Minyahr Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Minyahr is a large town situated east of the Ardeep River, across from the Ardeep Forest and Gemaldur.


Population of approximately 3600; mixed dwarf and human.

Notable Locations


Twilight Crest and Blackbrook

The town's smallest residential areas, outside the east and west walls.  

Crystallamp Farthing

The middle-class residential district, notable for its unique lamp posts.  

Forlorn Tower

A neglected mage tower, with blue cobblestone bricks and pale grey roofing.  

The Horns

The Horns are two tall guard towers, made with the same construction style as the Forlorn tower but with dwarven artillery built into it.  

Muffin Square

The Bakers' Guild has a few residences and a guildhall here.  

The Fool and Purse

A dwarven tavern, kept by a gold dragon named Ningal and a mountain dwarf named Arleosa Starhenge.  

The Exigent Emporium

A mysterious shop of arcane curiosities and wondrous items, tended to by a hill dwarf named Seren.  

Trades Ward

The Trades Ward is a typical trades ward. Caravans from Mirabar, Goldenfields and Salzenstadt often travel through here.


The Emerald Enclave has a protection agreement with the town of Minyahr.


  • Minyahr
Large town
Location under

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