Mirabar Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Mirabar is a mining city of great wealth located in Salzenstadt, just east of Deadstone Cleft and the Salt Mountains. As of 8008 it is the third richest city east of the mountains. The city is occupied by around 2000 shield dwarves who live underground near to their workshops, which produce metal goods for export in the region and beyond. The humans above cooperate with the dwarves to handle the mining, move the ore to market and defend the city against magical threats. Mirabar is ruled by a hereditary marchion (a term used uniquely in Mirabar for the ruler), Elastul Raurym, but the true power is in an elected assembly called the Council of Sparkling Stones, a dwarven and human group that meets once a year to determine their production quotas and whether or not to threaten current clients with reduced output. It is led by the dwarven cleric of Talos, Agrathan Hardhammer. Mirabar also has its own an elected thane, Shoudra Stargleam.   Mirabar is settled south of the Loagrann river. On the surface, Mirabar is populated with squat stone buildings and a few stone towers. It is arranged in such a way as to provide great efficiency. Its walls are extremely thick and sloping, so as to allow water to be poured down them in the winter, which freezes to make them slippery. The area around the city is dotted with open mines and heaps of rock. Roads lead west to its major mines in the Salt Mountains, which yield a wide range of metals and gemstones, so they are guarded against orc and monster raids by the Axe of Mirabar.   The badge of Mirabar is a deep red double-bladed axe with a pointed haft and a flaring flat base, on a black field.  


The population is at around 11,000, with only 72.3% being dwarves.  

Notable Locations


Hall of All Fires

Located in the All Fires District, this is a large hall lined with furnaces with a capacity of more than two thousand.  

Undercity Square

An open area between three buildings and containing the entrance to the Undercity.  


The center of all mining in Mirabar. It is guarded by the Axe of Mirabar, and accessible via a staircase from Undercity Square, followed by a pulley-operated lift in a shaft of hundreds of feet. The base of this shaft is another guarded room with several exits all with either iron doors or portcullises. There is another entrance which is a sloping, winding tunnel. The subterranean level closest to the ground is called the First Below. The vast majority of the dwarven population live down here.  


The overworld outpost and barracks of the Axe of Mirabar. They are ready for deployment, in particular in face of the threats of giants.  


Cheaper housing, at the furthest reaches of the city. Who knows what goes on here. Rumour has it the Cult of Yeenoghu might be using one of the old warehouses here as a base.


Mirabar is defended by the Axe of Mirabar, an army of around two thousand, including humans and five hundred dwarves. There is virtually no crime, and the city utilises professional thief trackers hired from the Plane of Half-Shadows, to monitor any potential criminals.   Making maps of the Undercity is illegal for security purposes, because the city is concerned about intelligence getting into the hands of Mirabar's enemies, especially Yerentil. An attack on a councillor or a councillor-elect is punishable by execution. This is to prevent plots to foil a candidate's election campaign.

Industry and Trade

The stone and metals taken out of the mines are worked by craftsmen. After being expertly cut and hewn, the stone is transported magically at a high cost to Salzenstadt City, to then be transported west. Some of the newer buildings in the Free Peach use Mirabar stone.   Any worthless stone is crushed to improve the city's roads. This operation continues in almost all weather, even during the winter.   Trade with Salzenstadt City is important to Mirabar. As of 8008, the Salt District in Mirabar is an entire district used by Salzenvolk trade companies, such as Anvilfist Banner, the Golden Hand, and Thalorin's Manymetals.


  • Mirabar
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
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