Salzenstadt Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Salzenstadt is the kingdom under the mountains; the domain of the mountain dwarves. Once a spiralling kingdom of underground settlements beneath the main city, it was primarily located under the Salt Mountains, However, with the mithril mines dried up, there are more settlements in the hills east of the mountains and the city itself has expanded into its own hub interconnected settlements. The layered city of Salzenstadt to this day is still where the large majority of people live.


The population are 93% dwarvish, with the remaining 7% being travelling folk who have settled beneath the mountain.

Peoples of the East

Salzenstadt, while a member hold of the Alliance, is part of the east of Terra Caelum. The east is a harsh and relatively untamed wilderness dotted with fortified settlements and the lairs of terrible monsters. In hundreds of bloodcurdling tales of danger and hardship, the east is portrayed as a vast, cold, and lawless domain that defies all attempts to civilise it. Kingdoms of dragonslayers, tribes of fierce barbarians, and half-legendary elf realms might stand for a short time, but none are destined to last. An orc horde or a flight of dragons could sweep them all away tomorrow, leaving nothing but mile upon unmapped mile of wilderness.   Salzenstadt lies cornered between Thay and Ice Kingdom, flanked by the Salt Mountains. Like all denizens of the east, the Salzenfolk are accustomed to cool, mild summers and fierce, bitter winters. Beacons of civilisation hug the east and dot the fertile river valleys, yet despite the abundant natural resources and scenic beauty, survival is a day-to-day concern for the people who live here.   The east is a land of great mineral wealth and seemingly limitless stands of timber. Here, too, can be found the wealth of history- the plunder of lost civilisations such as that of the Dragon Kingdom in Anauroch; the old Barovian culture in the Shadowed Vale; the scientists of Obsidian City; the ancient realm of Ostoria. Throughout the east lie the ruins and dungeons of these and other forgotten lands. Cities such as Slymere, Mirabar, and Nilfgaard would like to claim this wealth and knowledge for themselves, but enforcing such claims is next to impossible. The cities have a hard enough time protecting their farmlands and roads from brigands and monsters.

Founding Member Hold

Salzenstadt was one of the first of the member holds of the Alliance. The king at the time, Kram Silverdeep, was but an exiled prince, until he proved himself in the months after the Collision  as a fierce and loyal warrior, devoted to the livelihood of the Salzenvolk.

Industry and Trade

The dwarves of Salzenstadt used to export both mithril and salt, but now primarily export salt to the rest of Terra Caelum. They also export precious gems and materials which they find unimportant.


The Alliance has significant presence here, as do the Order of the Gauntlet, the Blood Hunters, and the Emerald Enclave. The Order of the Gauntlet has their headquarters in the Stormbringer's Cathedral- the largest church to Talos in all of Terra Caelum.


  • Salzenstadt
Founding Date
National Territory
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
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