Moog's Tower Building / Landmark in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Moog's Tower

This is a crumbling tower atop a hill less than a quarter-mile east of Minyahr. Part of its conical roof and outer shell have fallen inward, leaving a gaping hole above which four hawks circle. A large boulder blocks the tower's ground floor entrance, and a horrible noise comes from within- a deep, guttural dirge pouring from the lips of something big and awful.   A female hill giant named Moog has barricaded herself in this lonely tower so that she can wallow in self-pity undisturbed. Chief Guh has taken Moog's husband, Hruk, as her own, leaving Moog with no one to abuse on a daily basis. Moog is singing a mournful tune, which is amplified by the acoustics of the tower.   Moog sits on the upper level of the tower, her calves and bare feet dangling through a hole in the floor. From this position, she can see anyone that enters the tower through the front door, the hole in the upstairs wall, or the window above the doorway. She has her back to the upstairs window that faces east, and can't see anyone approaching from that direction. Her incessant singing is so loud that she can't hear anything but the loudest noises outside the tower.   The hawks circling above the tower are four blood hawks. Any one who pays attention to the hawks can discern their crimson feathers. The blood hawks attack any creature that tries to enter the tower through the broken wall or the roof, but otherwise, they keep their distance. Once the hawks attack, Moog can't be surprised.   Moog has parked a large boulder in front of the doorway. A Small character can squeeze through a narrow opening to enter the tower. Otherwise, the boulder can be rolled aside. A stone staircase hugs the inside wall, spiralling upward in a clockwise direction and forming landings at various points. Situated next to each landing is a 9-foot-tall arrow slit that tapers to a width of 5 inches. Much of the tower floor and the staircase is strewn with rubble-stone from the crumbling walls and wood from the partially collapsed roof. The rubble counts as difficult terrain.   Any character who searches through the rubble finds a cracked floor tile with what appears to be a compartment underneath it. Years ago, a halfling adventurer named Keltar Dardragon buried a treasure chest under the floor here, and he never had a chance to reclaim it before he died. Moog hasn't noticed the chest, which is locked but in poor condition. A character can easily break or pick the lock (no ability check required). The chest holds 300 sp and two Potions of Lightning Resistance.   Nothing of value is to be found on this level of the tower except a large sack lying on the floor. Moog has had some bad experiences with small folk in the past. Her inclination is to attack if confronted. Her tower contains enough rubble that she won't run out of rocks to throw anytime soon.   Moog is chaotic evil, and thus prone to abrupt mood swings. She loses patience with the characters and attacks them if they don't continually renew their promise to help her and give her food.


  • Old Tower
Tower, Guard
Parent Location

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