Nekomata Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Nekomata are the result of Catfolk and Human relations. While only retaining the fewest physical signs of their Catfolk heritage, their behaviours and internal machinations are definitely influenced more by their Catfolk heritage than their Human. Nekomata will tend to sleep in the sun, have a desire for fish, clean their fur by licking their hands, and other very feline behaviour. But to look at them one would only know their heritage by seeing their ears and tail.   Due to their friendliness and adorable mannerisms, many Nekomata find themselves easily employed and well-liked.   Some use this to their advantage, hiding their manipulative and selfish nature while using it to get what they want while appearing innocent, however, an equal number of Nekomata are as innocent as they seem, curious and naive of many of the world's ways.   In general, Nekomata are lithe and slender, standing midway between Catfolks and Humans in stature. While clearly more humanoid than their Catfolk ancestors, they possess a few feline features, cat-like ears, larger eyes, and a sleek, slender tail. Their ears are pointed, but unlike those of elves, are more rounded and catlike. Fur and eye colour vary greatly. They are more flexible than their Human ancestors and can do things such as comfortably run on all fours, and rest in positions many Humans would find uncomfortable.   Nekomata tend to live among Humans more than Catfolk due to the Catfolk's strong tribalism, though most civilized societies welcome Nekomata with open arms.   Adaptable and curious, Nekomata get along with almost any race that extends reciprocal goodwill. They acclimate easily to Halflings, Humans, Catfolks, and Elves. Due to the similarities in culture Catfolk and Elves share, Nekomata get along well with Elves, while the Elves are a bit more standoffish to Nekomata due to their Human qualities. Nekomata are more tolerant of other half-beings than other races are for obvious reasons, though they still view Goblins and Skaven as vermin, as they disdain the swarming and pernicious tendencies of those races.   Not holding the same sense of community and unselfish cooperation that is at the centre of Catfolk culture, Nekomata vary widely in alignment. Though their curiosity and willingness to adapt to the customs of many other races should not be understated. A good deal of Nekomata are also chaotic, as wisdom is not their strongest virtue.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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