Order of the Gauntlet Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Order of the Gauntlet

The Order of the Gauntlet was formed in the First Era, originally as a means of training people who were not citizens of the Yerentil elven empire, nor the dwarven empire of Salzenstadt. They mostly trained humans, wood elves, orcs, and dwarves who did not live in the capital. They were given basic battle training, as well as the skills in duelling, and in recent years, the guild taught combat strategies to its members.   The Order has since surpassed training fighters and is now known as a coalition of morally upstanding warriors, knights, paladins and clerics who dedicate themselves the destruction of evil in Terra Caelum. They are a unified group, bonded by either their fervent religious beliefs or staunch dedication to enforcing justice in the realms. To these brothers and sisters in arms, evil has to be dealt with and cannot be ignored.


The guild is currently run by Lord Capulue. He initiated the talks between the faction and the Alliance, and brokered a deal in which the guild could still operate on its own while being Alliance-friendly. Below the general, there are the majors, and below them, the mercenaries, then the cadets.


As part of their duties, the Order of the Gauntlet remains vigilant against any potential threats to the realm, standing ready to stop any aggression. When necessary, they investigate potential threats or secretive organizations and watch over those creatures they saw as inherently evil. The Order of the Gauntlet held three tenets;   Faith is a member's most potent weapon against evil.   Great challenges require heroic demonstrations of both strength and valour.   It is justified to punish an act of evil, not a thought or feeling.
Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Related Professions
Notable Members

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