Ozadius Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Ozadius is a tiefling warlock that travelled on the crew of the Hot Discourse and died at Svardborg with Anton.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ser Mara of Frost Bay had put out a bounty for Jarl Storvald, with a reward of 50,000gp for him to be brought back alive, and 20,000gp for him to be killed. Captain Napter and his crew; Lyra, Anton, Ozadius and Nym, travelled to Svardborg to capture the Jarl. After a failed strategy, Anton and Ozadius ended up perishing on Storvald's ship (the Krigvind) and burned it down. However, they did manage to kill Storvald, and received a reward upon return to Frost Bay. Captain Napter decided to retire to write erotic literature instead, giving his ship (the Hot Discourse) to Lyra, promoting her to captain.
7987 8009 22 years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Related Myths

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