Princess Rank/Title in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Some princesses are reigning monarchs of principalities. There have been fewer instances of reigning princesses than reigning princes, as most principalities excluded women from inheriting the throne.  

Descendants of Monarchs

For many centuries, the title "princess" was not regularly used for a monarch's daughter, who might simply be called "Lady". The daughter of King Leviticus Draco for example was known as Lady May of Draco. This practice, however, was not consistent. However, the Reynolds Kingdom set precedent with the use of the term princesses in the west, after the kingdom gained much traction. After the accession of King Joseph I to the Reynolds throne, the children, grandchildren, and male-line great-grandchildren of the sovereign were automatically titled "Prince or Princess of the Reynolds Kingdom" and styled "Royal Highness" (in the case of children and grandchildren) or "Highness" (in the case of male line great-grandchildren).  


The title of princess in post-collision Terra Caelum is that of no actual political rank. Princesses are typically those who held the title previously to the collision and the Alliance, and were allowed to retain the title though lose most connections and ties to any actual power. The title of princess being superficial is similar to the use of the title of queen and king in Breantis and Free Peach.  

The Classical Princess

The classical princess is beautiful, demure, and graceful. She embodies the concept of a damsel in distress, usually, or in the very least she is reliant upon others to defend her and destroy her enemies. These princesses are the most likely to be evil, selfish, or greedy. The defining feature of a classical princess is their more enriched development of their majestic talents and their cohorts.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
Highness, Her Royal Highness
Current Holders
Past Holders

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