Professor Rank/Title in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The title of Professor is given to members of the wizarding scientific and scholarly community engaged in education and research, taken as a whole.   It is, perhaps most notably, used by teachers at wizarding educational institutions such as Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts, The Yerentil Academy, and the Bards' College in Vorana. It is considered rude by some for students to not address a member of a teaching staff on their school as professor, madam or sir.  

At Mightknight's

Professors have the power to award and dock house points (to determine the winner of the house trophy competition), give detention, and write notes for certain areas and activities that are usually off-limits. Examples are how Mightknight's Professors can grant permission to such locations as the Restricted Section in the Hogwarts Library.   Professors have no right to use magical or physical force to assault students (at least under Headmaster Khelben Arunsun). They can put students in detention, but cannot expel them without the approval of the Headmaster.
Academic, Professional
Form of Address
Sir, Madam
Current Holders

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