Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts Building / Landmark in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts

Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts is a prestigious academy of mages situated in the heart of Mightknight. The academy enrols students as first years between the ages of 16 and 20, and starts them on a five-year course to teach them advanced magic and arcane theory, as well as appropriate usage of magic.

Student-Life Structure

Student Years

First Year

A first-year is a student at Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts who is in their first year of magical education. First-years typically start at sixteen to nineteen years of age.   First-year classes consist of Alchemy, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transmutation, History of Magic, Magical Law, Astronomy, and Charms. At the end of the year, first-year students chose two or more classes they wish to study as electives the following year.

Second Year

A second-year is a student at Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts who is in their second year of magical education. Second years are typically seventeen to twenty years of age. The second year is the first year that they are permitted to sit elective courses.   Second year classes consist of Alchemy, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transmutation, History of Magic, Magical Law, Astronomy, and Charms, and the two or more electives the student chose the previous year. Third years were permitted to go to Blackstaff Tower in Anthor during certain weekends. For those under the age of 18, they needed to have a signed permission form from their parent/guardian.

Third Year

A third-year is a student at Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts who is in their third year of magical education. Third-years are typically eighteen to twenty-one years of age. The third year is almost identical in its structure to the third, however, the second semester is dominated by their first major examinations. These examinations determine what classes they could take in the next two years and eventually what jobs they could apply for in their future careers.   The third year is also the year in which students receive career counselling from their Housemasters. It was during this meeting that they would be advised as to what Advanced Theory classes they should take in order to qualify for their desired career. Fifth year classes consisted of: Potions, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transmutation, History of Magic, Magical Law, Astronomy, Charms, and two or more electives. Before the beginning of the year, one student is selected by the Headmaster from each house to become Prefects.

Fourth Year

A fourth-year is a student at Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts who is in their fourth year of magical education. Fourth-years are typically nineteen to twenty-two years of age. The fourth year is the first year in which students sat Advanced Theory classes. They can also elect to take part in Outreach lessons, in which they learned magic of different traditions such as those of clerics and druids.   Based on the students' examination scores, and depending on the minimum requires of the professors and educators teaching the subject at the time, students are allowed to sit any number of classes as long as they meet said requirements. While students do have the opportunity to choose whether they wish to continue in particular subjects, those who begin studying Advanced Theory subjects in their fourth year are expected to carry on with the subject into the seventh year and sit the further examinations in that subject.

Fifth Year

A fifth-year is a student at Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts who is in their fifth and final year of formal magical education. Fifth-years are typically twenty to twenty-three years of age. This year contains the most important exams that are administered by the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors.   Ever year, a fifth year student is appointed Yearhead. In most cases, the Headmaster selects the Yearhead from the fifth year Prefects. However, students that have never been Prefects can still be selected.  

House System

Houses at Mightknight's are both the living and learning communities for its students. Each year's group of students in the same House shares the same dormitory and many classes. The houses compete throughout the school year, by earning and losing points for behaviour. The House with the most points wins the House Trophy.   The three Houses are rather separate entities. Each has its own common room and dormitory, its own table in the Great Hall, and students mostly share lessons with classmates of their same House. There is no rule against students from different houses mingling, but in practice, a good majority of social interactions occur within the same house. Each house has one teacher who acts as its housemaster.


Larks are characterised by their wit, learning and wisdom. The emblematic symbol is an electrum lark, and navy blue and electrum purple are the house colours.   The Lark common room is situated in Lark’s Nest, a tower at the northeast of the academy. Lark House prizes learning, wisdom, wit, and intellect in its members. Thus, many Larks tend to be academically motivated and talented students. They also pride themselves on being original in their ideas, and methods. It is not unusual to find Lark students practising especially different types of magic that other houses might shun, such as necromancy and war magic.   Many Larks, after graduating, find themselves in contact with Harpers, and eventually join the organisation. Lark alumni include Remallia Haventree and Garaele Goldenheart.


Lilies are the most inclusive among the three houses; valuing hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its members. The emblematic symbol is a white lily, and its house colours are white and field green.   The Lilies common room is found in the Lily Garden in the northwest of the academy. Students belonging to this house are known to be hard-working, friendly, loyal, honest and rather impartial. It may be that due to their values, Lilies are not as competitive as the other houses, and are more modest about their accomplishments. Lilies are known to have a strong moral code, and a sense of right and wrong. Lilies are usually accepting of everyone. Students in Lilies are known to value everyone and treat them as equal. They usually practice divination magic as well as illusion and enchantment.   Many Lilies, after graduating, join the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors, or else follow an academic path such as anthropology or archaeology. Lily alumni include Damian Pokobo.


Lions were founded by the noble house of Reynolds, the ruling family of the Western Plains (at the time, the Reynolds kingdom) and patrons of Mightknight’s Academy of the Arcane Arts. The emblematic symbol is a golden lion, and its colours are scarlet and gold.   The Lion common room is found in the Lion’s Den, at the very south end of the academy. The common room overlooks the quad, as well as the entrance gates. Lions possess characteristics such as courage, chivalry, and determination. Lion House emphasises the traits of courage as well as nerve and chivalry, and thus its members are generally regarded as brave, though sometimes to the point of recklessness. Some Lions have also been noted to be short-tempered.   Many of the Lion graduates join the Order of the Gauntlet. Lion alumni include Joseph Reynolds VI, Dragomir Thann, and headmaster Khelben ‘Blackstaff’ Arunsun.


Ground Floor

Entrance Hall

The Mightknight's Entrance Hall is located on the ground floor of Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts, with a wide marble staircase opposite the oak doors. Double doors to the right leads into the Great Hall. The basement, the kitchens, the dungeons, and the Grand Staircase could also be accessed via the Entrance Hall.

Chamber of Reception

The Chamber of Reception is a little building before the Entrance Hall where the first-year students are made wait before the Welcoming Feast.

Great Hall

The Great Hall in Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts is the main gathering area in the school. Students eat their meals, receive mail, and have certain special events here. The Great Hall is a large hall that can easily hold all of the school's students, staff and guests. It has tall walls that reach up to the ceiling.


The staffroom is a long, panelled room with mismatched, dark wooden chairs. The entrance to this room is guarded by two talking stone gargoyles.

Caretaker's Office

The caretaker's office is connected to the Entrance Hall, on the Ground Floor of Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts. It is a small, simple, windowless room with a single oil lamp in the ceiling.

Transmutation Courtyard

This is one of the cloisters in the inner part of Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts. This courtyard has grass in the open area, in which a big tree has grown over the centuries. There is one massive iron armillary sphere that stands in the centre of the courtyard.

Transmutation department

This was a wing at Mightknight's contains the rooms dedicated to the teaching of transmutation. The transmutation department is located around the Middle Courtyard area.

Transmutation Classroom

This classroom is where transmutation class is taught. The classroom is located on the ground floor around the Middle Courtyard. The classroom itself is big, surrounded by high windows, has four rows of three desks, and still has enough room for several cages and bookshelves, two chalkboards, and a desk.   Other locations on the ground floor:
  • House Point Ceremony chamber
  • Herbology Store
  • Ground Floor Corridor
  • Central tower courtyard
  • Portrait Room
  • Training Grounds Entrance
  • Suspension Bridge entrance

First Floor

Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom

This classroom is where Defence Against the Dark Arts class is taught. An iron chandelier hangs from the ceiling, as well as a dragon's skeleton. On one end of the classroom stands a projector that is activated by magic. Several desks and tables can be found in the classroom as well as some sets of large windows. The classroom decoration has had several changes over the years.

History of Magic Classroom

This classroom is where History of Magic classes are taught at Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts.

Runic Studies Classroom

This classroom was where Runic Studies classes are taught at Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts.

Hospital Wing

Students who suffer mishaps during the school year are sent or brought to the hospital wing for treatment. The hospital wing was well equipped to deal with all manner of magical and mundane injuries, with clerics available with Cure Wounds, Lesser Restoration, and Greater Restoration spells at the ready for on-site treatment.

Matron's Office

This office is a large room adjacent to the Hospital Wing at Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts, owned by the matron. It contains a bookcase, a desk, two closets, two beds for patients, and another bed closed off from the room by a curtain.

Lion House Head's Office

The Lion House Head's Office is positioned on a corridor which could be accessed by climbing the large staircase in Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts' Entrance Hall. This office is occupied by the, head of Lion House.

The Quad battlements

There are battlements all around the top of The Quad at Mightknight's.   Other locations on the first floor:
  • Advanced Arithmancy Studies classroom
  • Detention Chamber
  • Duelling Classroom I
  • Duelling Classroom II
  • Rear Hall

Second Floor

Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor's Office

The office used by the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor at Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts is located on the second floor. It s connected to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom by two staircases.  

Third Floor


The Armoury was a corridor adjacent to the Trophy Room. There were a large number of suits of armour on exhibition in this corridor.

Charms Classroom

This classroom was where Charms classes are taught. The classroom has four long, large desks that are built like stairs, and are located on both sides of the classroom. There is also a large fireplace in the room.

Clock Tower Entrance

This is one of the three main entrances of Mightknight's. It consists of large open space at the base of the Clock Tower, with two stairwells going up towards the upper levels of the tower. Opposite the main entrance is a large window. The massive pendulum of the clock swings over this entrance. The entrance can be sealed with a portcullis (which can be lowered and raised with the aid of a lever) and the massive double doors can be locked with numerous bolts.

Blackstaff's Library

The Library is located on the third and fourth floors of Mightknight's and contains tens of thousands of books on thousands of shelves. The library is where students could go to peruse or borrow books to supplement their studies (or for personal enjoyment). The library closes at 8pm every day.

Hydriana's Passage

Hydriana's Passage is a secret tunnel that leads from Mightknight's to the cellar of the Twisted Tailor's in Mightknight.

Trophy Room

The Trophy Room is where awards, trophies, cups, plates, shields, statues, and medals are kept in crystal glass displays. This room also contains a list of Head Boys and Head Girls. Prominently displayed are Hogwarts Awards for Services to the School. The Trophy Room is connected to an Armour Gallery.  

Fourth Floor

Restricted Section

The Restricted Section is an area on the fourth floor of the Library closed off by a rope and only accessible to students with permission from a professor. In order to enter, they have to present a signed note from a professor. The books within the Restricted Section typically discuss the Dark Arts or other information not for the general public or young children. They could be studied by older students for Defence Against the Dark Arts, and advanced theory classes dealing with necromancy.

Study area

This study area is a library on the fourth floor of Mightknight's. There is a secret passageway hidden behind a bookshelf which leads to the Seventh-floor corridor. There is a large fireplace, and a door leading to the Fourth Floor Corridor.  

Fifth Floor

Prefects' bathroom

This is a special bathroom that was restricted to use by school Prefects, Head Boys and Head Girls. In one side of the room, there are the stalls with toilets inside. Opposite the toilets, there is a large, swimming pool-like tub with bath taps surrounding it. The pool-like bath is sunk into the ground and is not above ground. The bath taps all run different-coloured bath water, soap bubbles, foam. These bath taps are a hundred golden taps surrounding the whole pool-like tub, with a different jewel set in each tap. There are most likely bath supplies on one side of the pool, such as soap, bath oil, bath powder, bath salts, shampoo, hair spray, and conditioner. Looking at the tub, one would imagine it would take quite some time to fill, but it actually fills remarkably fast, considering its size.  

Sixth Floor

East Wing

This is a large hall located on the sixth floor of Mightknight's. There is a huge fireplace in the centre of the room and some portraits hung on the walls. There are various suits of armour, which guard the room after the sun is down.  

Seventh Floor

Lark House Head's Office

Lark House Head's office is the thirteenth window from the right of Lark Tower. The office contains portraits, a desk, and sleeping quarters.

Chronurgy classroom

The Chronurgy Classroom is where Advanced Chronurgy Theory classes are taught at Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts. It was located on the seventh floor of Hogwarts Castle. It includes number charts, a blackboard and large rows of tables for students to sit in. It is also where Advanced Interplanar Theory is taught.

North Wing

This wing had hundreds of bookshelves lined along the walls and various tables and furniture placed around the room. It served the Castle as a reading room and study hall. There were two entrances; one in the seventh floor corridor and the other by the Fat Lady's portrait.

Divination Classroom

This is where Divination classes were taught at Mightknight's. It is located in the North Tower. It is accessible through a circular trapdoor and was described as looking like a cross between somebody's attic and an old-fashioned teashop.

Divination Professor's office

This office was the workplace and residence of the Divination professor. It is located up a small staircase from the Divination Classroom.

Lions Den

The Lions Den is on the southern end of the academy, on this floor, the hub for those in the Lions house. Two ornate double doors with brass ornamentation lead to the common room, which is a circular room where Lion students can relax after a long day of studying. The common room is full of squashy armchairs, tables, and a bulletin board where school notices, ads, lost posters, etc. can be posted. A window looks out onto the Quad of the school, and a large fireplace dominates one wall.   The Lion dormitories were also located in the Tower, with two doors leading off from the common room that opened to spiral staircases. One of them led to the girls dormitory, the other to the boys.

Larks Tower

Larks Tower is located on the northeast side of Mightknight's. Lark Tower is the location of the Lark Common Room and dormitories. The entrance to the room is at the top of a spiral staircase and is a door with a doorknob and an electrum knocker in the shape of a lark.

Lily Garden

Lily Garden is located on the northwest side of Mightknight's. This is the most spacious of the house areas, and the Common Room is an atrium with a glass ceiling, and trees growing inside. The dormitories are lit by friendly wisps, and the ambient lighting enhances the clean minimalistic furniture of the Lily Garden. Housemaster Aster, the dryad, does not usually stay in her office within the Academy, usually caring to the plants here or in the greenhouse.


Astronomy Tower

The Astronomy Tower is the tallest tower at Mightknight's, surrounded by a parapet and turret. It is where students study the stars and planets through their telescopes in Astronomy. This was usually done at midnight when the stars were best seen. The tower is usually out-of-bounds except for classes. Located within this tower is the Astronomy reading room, Astronomy classroom, Astronomy department and the Astronomy Room.

Bell towers

The Bell towers are two towers that rose over the main entrance to the Herbology Greenhouses.

Clock Tower

The Clock Tower does not begin at the Ground Floor level. Because it was placed on top of a hill, the Tower began at the Third Floor level. In the entrance to the Tower, there is a huge space, like an Entrance Hall with flights of wooden stairs at the right and left side. The first landing is at the Fourth Floor level. It is at this landing where the clock's gears and face were. This same corridor connects the Tower to the remaining academy. Up another flight of wooden stairs is another landing, this time at the Fifth Floor level. It is in this landing that the clock's bells are; some massive gold and copper bells. There is another corridor at this landing; like the other, it links the Tower to the main building.

Headmaster's Tower

This tower is a circular shape and has a conical roof. The Grand Staircase is located here, and at the top of this tower are three smaller towers which make up the Headmaster's tower and serves as the Headmaster's office and residence. Khelben Arunsun allegedly has a teleportation circle here that connects the tower to Blackstaff Tower in Anthor. To gain entrance, a password had to be given to a stone gargoyle, which would move aside at the correct password to reveal a spiral staircase with moving steps. The office is a circular room with windows, decorated with portraits of previous Headmasters and the Chosen of Mystra, including the ancient Sammaster and Alvaerele Tasundrym.

Hospital Tower

The Hospital Tower has a semi-ovular shape. It is located on one side of The Quad and is at the end of the hospital corridor which connects the Clock Tower to the rest of the building. On the first floor of the tower is the Hospital Wing and school matron's office.

North Tower

The North Tower was one of the many towers in the academy. The tower was the location for Divination classes and the Divination teacher's office. The entrance consisted of a ladder leading through a trap door.

West Tower

The Owlery is located on the top of this tower. During the winter months, the tower is very cold, to the point that one had to be careful with ice on the higher landings. A tightly spiralling staircase led from the bottom of the tower on the seventh floor up to a door leading out onto the battlements.  

Greenhouses and Gardens

The Mightknight's greenhouses are where Herbology classes are taught at Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts. The greenhouses are also used by the Potions Club.   The greenhouses have statues of long, serpentine dragon statues running along the peaked roofs. They are home to many exotic and magical plants including some that are extremely rare, difficult to cultivate and maintain, or even dangerous, such as mandrakes. There are five greenhouses, one for each year group.  



Khelben 'Blackstaff' Arunsun is the headmaster of Mightknight's Academy of the Arcane Arts. Khelben is a 6-foot-tall, well-muscled, bearded man with a receding hairline, black hair with silver streaks, including a prominent one through his beard, and a distinguished, imposing manner. He usually dresses in nondescript robes and is never without his trademark Blackstaff.


The Lark Housemaster is a Shanatarian dark elf evocation wizard named Morrigan Swift. He wears dark velvet robes in faded tones of the Lark colours. He has dark grey skin and piercing red eyes, with pointed ears adorned with many iron piercings.   The Lilies Housemaster is a friendly Breantian dryad named Aster. She wears gowns woven from natural materials and spends most of her time tending to the Lily Garden. She has pale beech tree skin and her hair is comprised of lilies.   The Lions Housemaster is an Apophisinian human man named Ket Shastu. He is a dark-skinned man from Apophis, also known as Cobra Island, and he is a specialist in Abjuration magic. He is therefore also the professor of Abjuration and Defence against the Dark Arts. He typically wears light, breezy robes of elegant red silk with golden detailing.
Founding Date
College / Academy
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