Redbrands Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The Redbrands are a group of bandits and brigands working under the Zhentarim that have settled in the resettled frontier town of Phandalin in the Druarwood and near the Ruby Pass. With no local lord or powerful authority within the small town, the Redbrands were able to harass the farmers and prospectors for two months. Many were afraid of standing up to the bandit group, including the townmaster, the closest thing to local authority Phandalin had, Harbin Wester.   The Redbrands mostly consisted of humans, male and female. Prior to Eoifira taking charge, a typical Redbrand wore a simple, dirty scarlet cloak. Eoifira took charge by assassinating the previous Viper in his sleep.
Founding Date
Illicit, Gang
Leader Title
Parent Organization

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